Zodiac Ascendant

The Ascendant or Rising Sign of the zodiac is simply when it is approaching the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The ascendant sign usually changes every two hours. Ascendant can also be called the basis of astrology as it is associated with all the houses of the birth chart. An analysis of the ascendant can give a more in-depth and accurate view of the state of a person’s mind and soul. It also gives insight into the disorders he may experience in his life. The Ascendant represents your attitude, first impressions, appearances, and conduct. Your Rising Sign sheds light on the first impressions you make, your initial reactions, and reactions to various situations.

Aries Ascendant  


Aries Ascendant is known as the first lagna in Vedic Astrology. Aries ascendant is considered an important ascendant in astrology. An Aries ascendant has an independent personality. If you are an Aries ascendant, then you are more interested in achieving your goals based on your capabilities. If the ruling planet Mars is weak in the chart or aspected by Saturn or Rahu (the ascendant node of the Moon represented by the head of a dragon), the person will be short-tempered. The native may feel incapacitated, may be restless and troubled by stress, and may be uncertain in life. Along with the decision, he does not stick to his words. Read More

Taurus Ascendant  


The presence of a Taurus Ascendant in your horoscope shows how you will see the outside world. Taurus is considered very influential in Vedic astrology. Born in Taurus ascendant, you have a slow, steady, and practical approach to life. It is at the core of your heart to experience the finer things in life and do not shy away from indulging in the same. You also have a strong work ethic and an unmatched stubbornness. You dislike change and are often interested in developing a trend and a culture. You are moving slowly and carefully when faced with new situations. You are an incredibly loyal friend but must proceed with caution when getting to know new people. Read More

Gemini Ascendant  


The people of Gemini ascendant have a gift of knowledge, it is a wonderful asset. Your mind is constantly on the move and you are eager to gain more and more knowledge about anything and everything. You’re curious, asking questions. You have the quality that you love to be loved. Always yearning for mental stimulation, Gemini natives like to be active in their surroundings and engage in a variety of soul-uplifting activities. The Gemini Ascendant treats life as a series of adventures and provides opportunities for learning. He has a hunger for knowledge. Read More

Cancer Ascendant  


People born in Cancer ascendant are of soft nature. Being a sensitive water sign with a hard outer shell like the crab of your zodiac sign, you come across as aloof, moody, and stern. In Vedic astrology, the way the natives of Cancer Ascendant see, understand and influence people. They are different from others. Like your Sun sign, your birth sign is also fixed from the time of birth, it does not change. A cancer ascendant person’s face is full round, round eyes, height saddle, and sparse hair. These people have a tendency to put on weight, especially in the hip area. You have short and strong legs. Your body is curvy and beautiful. There is no dearth of attractions. You have got a nice body. Read More

Leo Ascendant  


The Leo Ascendant is like its animal symbol. Leo Ascendant is like the showman of the zodiac. The natives of this ascendant have a dynamic and attractive personality. The natives of this ascendant know how to control the situations, especially the social ones. You have a charismatic personality that attracts people to you like a magnet and makes you the recipient of special attention and admiration. In some ways, there is every possibility that you can have a larger-than-life approach. Leo Ascendant also believes in living life to the fullest. You also show abilities in yourself, so you can become a promising leader. Leo Ascendant can win over your partner by enthralling your partner with your grand visions and ideas. Read More

Virgo Ascendant  


The people of Virgo ascendant are very detail oriented. He has a caring personality towards his family and friends. People of these marriages are also rich in observation and test-rich intelligence. They know very well that when something is out of balance in their environment, they do not deal with it. Something that is more than those sources cannot divert the attention of Virgo Ascendant natives. They always take time to analyze things before adopting things or people. They deal with problems with a flexible and practical approach. If you are a Virgo Ascendant, then you are a bit serious and reserved. Leo is almost the opposite of the Ascendant. You prefer to work behind the scenes away from the drum stage. Read More

Libra Ascendant    


Libra Ascendant people are knowledgeable, intelligent, well-behaved, and restless. You are loved by the gentle and affectionate nature of the native. You have a great sense of justice and order and you are considered and known as a peacemaker in the social circle. Your charming personality is also admired. People with Libra Ascendant bring the quality of equality in their nature. His ability to judge matters in an unbiased manner is an admirable quality. The natives of Tula Lagna achieve success in professions related to art, music, cinema, photography, textile, wine, liquor, etc. People of this zodiac have a taste for luxury and all things pleasant and relaxing. Read More

Scorpio Ascendant   


As a Scorpio, you are an intense, courageous, energetic, and determined individual. You have a magnetic personality, and you have an extraordinary aptitude for spiritual growth and self-transformation. A Scorpio ascendant personality is mysterious. Their methods can often be precise and opposite; They can be really calm or very enthusiastic. These people are physically sensitive, hypnotic, and intense, have a powerful and commanding presence, and are alert when interacting with others. They dislike pretense, so it is better that people are in their real form in front of Scorpio natives. His personality is either scary or attractive. Read More

Sagittarius Ascendant  


Those born in the Sagittarius Ascendant have a bright, calm nature, and an almost incurably optimistic outlook on life and the future. If you are a Sagittarius ascendant then you have a cheerful, energetic, fun-loving, sociable, and outspoken personality. You have an optimistic outlook on life. Most of the time luck is not in your favor, but still, you manage to achieve success in your life. Negative people and pessimistic thoughts are not for you and you try to stay away from them. Although you also try to help others according to your abilities. Read More

Capricorn Ascendant  


Capricorn is an earth sign, which means your personality is stable and down-to-earth. The life of a Capricorn Ascendant moves to a stable and dedicated place. You have an outward personality of success, which often draws people to you. You seem like a workaholic, smart, ambitious, with goals, and working hard to take your time. More than money, it is fame and power that matter more to you. As a person, you are very goal-oriented and strive to achieve your goals even if it means crushing your competition. Read More

Aquarius Ascendant  


Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius Ascendant. As such, you possess originality of character, an intelligent mind, and unorthodox thinking. People get attracted to your beauty and charm. You have a universal theory of life and view the world through an intellectualization of ideas, values, and ideals. As an Aquarius, you are likely to have a broad outlook on society which allows you to mix with a wide variety of people. You are a true humanitarian personality who is socially responsible and considerate. You will be benefited in a collective manner. Read More

Pisces Ascendant   


Pisces ascendant people are shy, sensitive, and kind. You seem like a dreamer and you lack confidence. You do things of your choice and rarely heed the advice given to you. Your intuitions are very strong and you are a secretive creature. Pisces ascendant people are naive and often have artistic talents. This trait can also be triggered by the fact that you don’t like hurting anyone in the process. But, you have a beautiful way of communicating with people and good manners to convince them. Read More

Wrapping Up

The first house of the horoscope is addressed as Lagna and the lord of the ascendant house, that is, the lord of the zodiac located in the first house of the horoscope is called Lagnesh. In Falit astrology, the position of Ascendant and Lord of Ascendant is considered very important. For more information about Zodiac Ascendant, talk with astrologers.

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