Do you know that you can get a pretty good idea about the expected health problems from your birth chart as well? The position of the planets in the sky at the time of your birth and your birth chart can tell a lot about your health issues. Health predictions can be obtained from health astrology by date of birth.
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Health is considered to be an important aspect of human life because “a healthy mind resides in a healthy body”. If we are not able to keep ourselves healthy then all the efforts in life like education, career, finance, love, and marriage will go in vain. Horoscope in which an experienced and learned astrologer can see what diseases the native is suffering from or is likely to suffer from.
Health is an important factor in any person’s life. A person is capable of achieving anything and everything in life, but only if he is physically and mentally fit. In this fast world, it seems quite difficult to take care of our daily needs, however mental and physical health always takes a back seat.
A healthy mind and body is the basic requirement that is needed to achieve anything in life. Health reflects in all other areas of our lives. A healthy lifestyle provides the backbone of a fully fulfilling life where one can dream of achieving all that one desires.
In our obsession to convert our dreams into reality and earn money, we tend to neglect our health with the passage of time. As a result, our mental and physical health keeps on deteriorating. Sleep disorders, depression, and many other health issues have become common these days. So, it is really important to understand that healthy living is the basis of our life. Health Prediction Astrology will provide you with health prediction by date of birth which will help you to know about your future.
If you are suffering from a disease for a long time and you are unable to find any cure for it or if any member of your family is facing any health problem, then we are telling you some astrological remedies for a healthy body. By following these few simple instructions one can attain mental balance as well as good physical health.
Prediction Health by Astrologer says that every health problem is associated with a planet in the birth chart. Either the planet is situated in the wrong position or it is negatively affected by some other planet.
Health is something we all want to have control over. No one wants to spend their entire life’s earnings or savings on illness and fall ill in the hospital with some serious problem. However, there are times when situations like this arise and we are left with no other option but to spend all our hard-earned money, considering all the money goes towards hospital bills which will put your family’s future at risk. was kept for There are thousands of people who are battling with all these dreaded diseases.
This is where the need for astrology comes in. By taking astrological help or guidance, you get ready for any unseen obstacle in your or your family’s way. Health issues are the biggest hurdle that not only affects the sick person but the whole family suffers and lives that journey. Certain remedies that our astrologers will guide you with as per your chart will help you reduce the effects of those ailments and give you and your family the strength to cross the phase and emerge stronger than ever.
9 planets also have an impact on a person’s life. Every planet is related to some or the other part of the body of a person. The auspicious and inauspicious effects of planets affect a person’s wealth, fortune, happiness and prosperity, child happiness, married life, and health. The health of a person is greatly affected by the auspicious and inauspicious effects of planets. In Medical astrology, whenever an afflicted planet joins the ascendant house, sixth and eighth house, health problems arise.
When the lord of the sixth house is related to the Lagna house or the eighth house, then there are problems related to health. Apart from this, when the lord of the sixth house is in the eleventh house, then the person suffers from diseases. On the other hand, when the lord of the sixth house is in the eighth house, then the person has to face some chronic diseases. Know below which diseases are caused by to planet.
Eye disease, Night blindness, Heart disease, Blood pressure, Heart attack, and Bone diseases.
Anemia, weakness, eye disease, visual impairment, mania, mental illness, headache, chest pain, cold-cough-related illness, breathing, and epilepsy.
Blood-related disease, kidney disease, jaundice, Kavil, urine-related disease, marrow-related disease.
Throat disease, stuttering, breathing, asthma, intestinal diseases, extreme diseases, ringworm, scabies, boils, etc.
Cold disease, cough, phlegm, throat disease, speech-related defects, liver, fat, leg diseases, lameness, waist, breast diseases, etc.
Semen depletion, sore throat, sexual perversions, lack of masculinity, Gupta disease, Eye, Intestine, Stone disease, etc.
Vagina-related diseases, airborne diseases, unconsciousness, hysteria, fatigue-related diseases.
Heart disease, cancer, epilepsy, airborne diseases, piles, spleen diseases, smallpox, heat fever, etc.
Anaemia, diarrhea, urinary diseases, cholera, skin diseases, piles, indigestion, diabetes, intestinal diseases.
The birth chart of a person helps a lot in knowing when and what kind of diseases a person is prone to. Similarly, constellations also have an important place in considering diseases, in which the duration of the disease and the time of its recovery can also be known. Today science has progressed a lot. The most subtle disease is recognized by the machine. But still, many diseases and symptoms remain a mystery even today.
All diseases can be known and understood beforehand by astrology, and they can be diagnosed. A person suffering from a disease can get a proper solution by talk to astrologers. From the first house of the horoscope, things like form, caste, age, happiness-sorrow, discretion, modesty, nature, etc. are studied.
Headache, mental illness, cold, and mental weakness are considered from the first house of the birth chart. The overall health of a person is known from this house whether he will be mentally or physically healthy or not.
The second house of the birth chart is also known as the Marak house. Eye diseases, diseases of ears, diseases of the mouth, diseases of teeth, problems of the throat, etc. are analyzed from this house.
Throat disorders, goiter, shortness of breath, cough, asthma, lung diseases, hand disorders, etc. are seen from the third house of the horoscope.
Diseases of the chest, heart, and ribs are considered from this house. Mental disorders or insanity etc. are also considered from this house.
Indigestion, anorexia, bile diseases, liver, spleen, and kidney diseases are considered from this house.
The part below the navel is seen from this house, and then the diseases related to this place will be seen from this house. The waist is also seen from this house, then diseases related to the waist are also known from here. Kidney diseases are also seen in this house. Appendix, bowel disease, hernia, etc. are considered.
Diabetes, leucorrhoea, syphilis, stones, and diseases of the uterus are considered from this house.
The eighth house in the birth chart is also considered a secret place, therefore, this house can cause secret diseases, i.e. diseases related to genitals. Semen disorders, hemorrhoids, fistula, syphilis, infectious diseases, and urinary tract are considered.
Menstrual diseases of women are seen from the ninth house of the horoscope. Liver defects, blood disorders, air disorders, hip pain, and marrow diseases are considered.
Arthritis, tremors, skin diseases, knee pain, and other air disorders are assessed from the tenth house of the horoscope.
Injury to the leg, fracture of the leg bone, pain in the calves, cold disorders, and blood disorders are seen from the eleventh house of the horoscope.
Intolerance means allergies, weakness, eye disorders, polio, and lack of resistance to diseases in the body is considered from this house. is the best website for health astrology consultation. If a person is worried about his health, then our astrologers can provide the right solution by looking at their Kundli.
All the planets are related to the life of a person. Weak planets in a person’s Kundli indicate some disease.
Inauspicious Ketu in your janampatri is responsible for excessive negativity in your character. This planet creates confusion or you would like to appear confused to get the sympathy of others.
Each planet is associated with an aspect of a person’s life. The planet Saturn is associated with anxiety. If you also want to get rid of your anxiety then astrology can help you with this.