Effects of Weak Saturn in Astrology

September 15, 2023

Saturn has a special place in Vedic astrology. It is believed that Lord Shani gives fruits according to his deeds. This means those who do good deeds and do not harass the poor and weak, Shani Dev gives them good fruits. Conversely, those who oppress the impoverished and vulnerable will face the ire of Shani Dev. On the other hand, if Shani Dev is negative and inauspicious in the horoscope, then the person does not get the support of luck and he is surrounded by struggle throughout his life.

Weak Saturn in Astrology

If the Saturn of the person is weak, then the work done by him starts getting spoiled. If the position of Shani is weak in the horoscope, then the person does not get the full reward for his hard work, he repeatedly feels that life is slipping out of his hands and quarrels with friends and partners.

There are some other symptoms of Saturn being weak, which come to the fore anytime in life, but due to lack of knowledge, a person is unable to do anything. For example, home tube lights, bulbs, TV, fridge, etc. electrical appliances start getting damaged very quickly. For this, you will hold that product responsible for the fluctuations in the voltage of electricity. According to astrology, such incidents happen when Saturn is weak or angry.

Symptoms of Weak Saturn in Horoscope

When Shani is heavy on you, the color of the forehead of many people starts changing. The sharpness of the forehead gradually starts to end and blackness starts appearing on the forehead. Such a person should do every work carefully because there is a fear of stigma on them. Such a person may have to face failure and the person thinks something else would have happened.

When Shani gives inauspicious effects, then things start deteriorating in the family, and business and work start deteriorating. Along with this, the fear of fire in the place of business and the house also remains.

When Shani becomes heavy and gives inauspicious effects, then a person feels like doing unethical things. His hobby of investing money in share betting increases and comes from the wrong company. The effect of Shani changes the thinking of a person and he starts doing such things, due to which he has to face financial loss.

When Shani is heavy, one of its symptoms is that the eating habits of a person start changing. The person’s interest starts increasing in bitter, oily, and non-vegetarian food. Even a person who stays away from meat and alcohol starts taking an interest in them.

Shani is weak in Kundali

The people whose Kundali Shani Dev lives with inauspicious feelings or enemies, and many kinds of problems come in their life. When Shani in Astrology, the person is troubled by serious diseases and travels to jail. Job is not available, loss in business and schemes do not fructify properly. Such a person rarely gets lucky.

Wrapping Up

According to astrology, a person’s nature starts changing due to the inauspicious effect of Saturn. As he begins to tell more falsehoods, his sense of fury intensifies. It becomes in his nature to lie and get angry about small things. Doesn’t feel like doing religious work. If you want to know more about the Effects of Weak Saturn on Astrology, then Talk with Astrologer.

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