If fixed zodiacs start everything, then fixed zodiacs carry out these plans with their eyes on the prize. Known as the “doers” of the zodiac, they are hardworking and great at carrying out plans revealed by fixed signs.
The commonality between all four fixed signs is their strength and stability. Although the general description of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius may appear different, fundamentally, they are each driven by a shared stamina, loyalty, and dependability.
These are the most determined of signs, and their mental courage enables them to lift others up when they are down and see projects through to their success. Fixed zodiac signs are stubborn and determined, naturally drawing others to them with their loyalty, charm, and ease. Read on to understand how all fixed signs make these admirable qualities their own.
They can be a bit stubborn or stuck in a rut, which is a downside to their ability to stay on track. Yet these signs are significant for their logical, faithful, dedicated, credible, and patient nature. Yes, they have strong opinions and can be inflexible at times, but there are some areas in life where those qualities are needed and even encouraged. How each sign expresses a certain quality depends on its own characteristics:
Of course, there is much more to what makes you than just one aspect of your astrological chart. But if you’re a certain zodiac sign, chances are you can relate to the following.
“When you’ve got what you want, and you’re comfortable with it, you don’t want or need to change,” a certified astrologer. So, don’t be too surprised if you’re noticing right now that you always eat the same breakfast every day, love re-watching your favorite TV shows, or go to work.
Fixed signs basically live by the motto: “The one who is there for you will never miss you.” when they pursue a desire or aspiration, a fixed sign believes in themselves enough to keep trying, even if they fail the first time. That self-reliance can pay off big-time in certain areas of your life that require patience and effort, such as your career and fitness goals.
Those are stellar qualities, don’t get me wrong, but they also mean you can hold onto things for a very long time. You may have some serious hoarding tendencies and may stay in a relationship past its expiration date because you want to be in it even when someone is not worth it.
fixed signs are “willing and able to act”. This can come across in your day-to-day activities, or in the way you operate in relationships. It can also be a huge advantage when it comes to your career. “If I am running a company and I want people to close deals, I’m going to hire definite leads.”
They like to-do lists, are reliable with action plans, drive speed and focus with dedication. Since they are the determiners of the seasons, it is no surprise that the Fixed Signs fall in the middle of each season.
Fixed signs have a lot in common and would easily understand how each other works, but they are just too similar. Here’s how each sign differs:
As the first fixed zodiac sign to be in the zodiac and an earth sign, Taurus truly epitomizes the steadfast nature that comes with this method. Their strengths come in the form of patience and often a great deal of stubbornness, but this can largely be attributed to their intelligence. They are careful in their decisions and make decisions after thinking, but once they make up their mind, there is no way to convince them otherwise.
Leos are sometimes mistaken for attention seekers, but in reality, they naturally attract attention with their strong presence. This charming fire sign is loyal to the end, and they make the fiercest friends ever – if you can avoid all eyes inevitably being fixed on them.
Don’t mistake their calm, anxious demeanor for cowardice. Scorpio signs people are simply noticing their surroundings and calculating how to get things done in the best possible way. Their protectors are vigilant, with stingers ready to defend anyone who tries to hurt them or their loved ones. Trying to break down their walls can be difficult, but once you do, you’ll find someone with a sharp mind and great problem-solving abilities.
Aquarius people are revolutionary. Air signs are strong-willed and once they commit to a belief or movement, there is no stopping them. They pride themselves on their individuality and against-the-grain mindset, and they are often the driving force behind movements or creative projects.
The role of static cues is to maintain, maintain, and defend status, responsibilities, goals, or desires in everyday situations. These signs are the least welcoming of change. His role in the Zodiac is to preserve tradition. Stationary signs aren’t easily distracted—they keep their hands on the steering wheel and their eyes on the road. You can take an astrology phone consultation for more information about fixed Signs.