Venus in all 12 houses of Capricorn Ascendant

September 29, 2023

For the Capricorn ascendant, Venus is the lord of the 5th and 10th house and is a yoga factor. This person gets victory over enemies and others get wealth and good fortune. This person will benefit from children and sports. Only after analyzing the kundli, does the said planet have to be strengthened with gems, all these measures are suggested to reduce the effect of charity on the planet.

Venus in 1st House for Capricorn Ascendant

For the Capricorn ascendant, a person with Venus in the first house is beautiful, intelligent, hardworking, respected, and influential. The person does high-level work and earns money. For the Capricorn ascendant, a person with Venus in the first house is far-sighted and practical. The person wins over his enemies and gets benefits in court cases. The person respects his father and works hard to earn money. The person gets respect from the government and the public. The person works very carefully in his business to get success and substantial profits. With Venus in the first house for Capricorn Ascendant, the person spends the earned money carefully and judiciously. For Capricorn Ascendant, a person with Venus in the first house has good knowledge of astrology.

Venus in 2nd House for Capricorn Ascendant

A person with Venus in the second house for Capricorn Ascendant is intelligent and efficient. The person acquires enough money and accumulates it. The person has good relations with his father and members of the joint family. If Venus is situated in the second house for Capricorn Ascendant, then the person gets happiness from it. The person runs a big business and tries his best to increase his wealth. The person tries to influence the enemies and also earns money through them. A person with Venus in the second house for Capricorn Ascendant is healthy and fortunate. The person loves his children. The person gets respect from the government and society. The person leads a happy and prosperous life.

Venus in 3rd House for Capricorn Ascendant

Venus is exalted in this zodiac sign, hence for Capricorn ascendant, a person with Venus in the third house is beautiful and influential. The person is courageous, hardworking, and influential. The person gets a good education and has worthy children. The person works hard and uses all his energy to achieve progress and success in business. The person gets support from their father and support from younger brothers and sisters. The person improves his position by working hard and getting respect from the government and society. The person leads a happy, peaceful, and respectable family life.

Venus in 4th House for Capricorn Ascendant

The person is happy with his mother and respects her. For the Capricorn ascendant, the person also has his own house along with Venus in the fourth house. The person gets a good education. The person gets happiness and support from his wife. The person gets his work done by influencing his enemies. The person gets the benefit of longevity and lives a long life. The person is happy with his father. The person works hard to pursue his big business profession. The person earns and accumulates a lot of money. For the Capricorn ascendant, a person with Venus in the fourth house is a serious and happy person. The person gets happiness, success, and prosperity in life.

Venus in 5th House for Capricorn Ascendant

For Capricorn ascendant, if Venus is situated in the fifth house then the person is intelligent and knowledgeable. For Capricorn ascendant, if Venus is situated in the fifth house then the person gets a good education. The person has knowledge of various subjects. With Venus in the fifth house for Capricorn ascendant, the person has an influential wife and capable children. For the Capricorn ascendant, due to Venus being in the fifth house, the person gets support from children. The person gets the benefit of longevity and inheritance. The person happily follows the family traditions. The person also earns money from court cases. The person gets respect in the government and society. The interior decoration of the house is liked by the person. The person leads a happy, peaceful, and prosperous family life.

Venus in 6th House for Capricorn Ascendant

If Venus is situated in the sixth house for Capricorn Ascendant then the person is intelligent and gets good education. A person with Venus in the 6th house is lucky for Capricorn Ascendant. A person wins over his enemies with his understanding and intelligence. With Venus in the sixth house for Capricorn Ascendant, a person gets control over diseases. A person works hard to earn money. The person earns money from court cases. The person has to face opposition from his wife and does not get sexual pleasure. The person has to face some opposition from the government and the society. The person uses complicated methods to get benefits from foreign sources. Such a person is always worried and feels like he is always dependent on others.

Venus in 7th House for Capricorn Ascendant

A person with Venus in the seventh house for Capricorn Ascendant is intelligent, sensible, and fortunate. The person marries a beautiful wife and falls in love with her. The person is emotional and enjoys sexual pleasure to the fullest. The person gets cooperation and support from his children. The person runs his business peacefully and gets financial benefits. The person does good work for the government and the society. The person influences his opponents and increases his wealth. A person with Venus in the seventh house for Capricorn Ascendant spends a lot of money on family welfare. A person with Venus in the seventh house for Capricorn Ascendant is handsome and happy.

Venus in 8th House for Capricorn Ascendant

The person is not healthy and attractive in appearance. For the Capricorn ascendant, having Venus in the eighth house gives the person the benefit of longevity and inheritance. The person remains unfortunate and deprived of a good education. The person has to face the death of his father and the troubles of his children. The person has to face many obstacles in earning money. The person has to face some problems from enemies, government, and society running his business. The person is hardworking and always works hard to earn money and maintain his status. The person leads an unhappy family life.

Venus in 9th House for Capricorn Ascendant

Venus also becomes debilitated in this sign, for Capricorn Ascendant Venus being in the ninth house makes the person intelligent and gentle but not lucky. The person shows less interest in religious activities. The person is happy with his wife but is always worried and anxious. If there is Venus in the ninth house for Capricorn Ascendant, then the person’s father does not support him. The person is very clever and gets happiness and fame in the government and society. For Capricorn Ascendant, if Venus is situated in the ninth house, then the person is courageous and hardworking. One works hard and earns money to get success and progress in business. The person gets support from his younger brothers and sisters. Such a person appears to be lucky.

Venus in 10th House for Capricorn Ascendant

For Capricorn Ascendant, when Venus is situated in the tenth house, the person is intelligent, ambitious, and hardworking. For Capricorn Ascendant, if Venus is situated in the tenth house, then the person gets a higher education. The person is likely to be appointed to the administrative post of a judge. If there is Venus in the tenth house for Capricorn Ascendant, then the person is happy with his parents. The person takes up some big business and tries to get out of it. The person also has some problems with his wife but he gets good sexual pleasure. The person gets love and happiness from his mother. The person has immense wealth. The person talks with respect and enjoys all the comforts. Such a person leads a luxurious family life.

Venus in 11th House for Capricorn Ascendant

For the Capricorn ascendant, a person with Venus in the 11th house is intelligent and wise. The person is soft-spoken, intelligent, and enjoys vehicles and property. You will gain from the opposite sex, reputed friends, legislators, and people in power. For a Capricorn ascendant, a person with Venus in the 11th house works hard to grow his weak business. With Venus in the 11th house for Capricorn Ascendant, a person gets a lot of income. The person gets victory over his enemies and gets good profits. The person spends more on family welfare. The person gets a higher education and gets happiness from father and son. The person is intelligent, capable, sensible, learned, and a good diplomat and gets respect in the government and society.

Venus in 12th House for Capricorn Ascendant

Venus has gained strength in the 12th house. The person is lucky and spends a lot on the pleasures and enjoyment of life. The person manages expenses wisely. The person earns and accumulates wealth from foreign contacts. The person has to bear the separation from father and son. For Capricorn ascendant, if Venus is situated in the 12th house then the person is weak in education. The person has to face obstacles in his business. The person is physically weak and afraid of enemies but gets his work done by influencing the enemies with skill and humility. The person lives a simple but struggling life.

Wrapping Up

There is a sense of seriousness and discretion in how they conduct their affairs. They are very practical in their love matters. In fact, they are also experts in cheating when needed. This position of Venus gives them a lot of trouble and also causes heart-related diseases. These people are the best in the professional field. However, in order to achieve success, they must accept their partner as a helper in times of struggle. If Venus is weak or suffering from Venus in the Capricorn Ascendant, then it becomes necessary to take measures for it and to know the solution one should Talk with Astrologers.

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