Venus in all 12 houses of Aries Ascendant

September 29, 2023

Venus is probably one of the most important planets in Vedic astrology as it is the planet that brings wealth, luxury, prosperity, comfort, and happiness to a person’s life. Venus is also a planet of knowledge, but it is more oriented towards creative knowledge and creative intelligence. It is the planet of love and the main planet of marriage and bond. A person’s married life, his/her relationship with the spouse, and the status of the marriage can all be seen from the position of Venus.

Venus in 1st House for Aries Ascendant

The person shows his impressive and attractive personality. The family of a person with Venus in the first house is good for Aries marriage. If there is Venus in the first house for Aries ascendant, then the wife of the person is beautiful. The native falls in love with her and gets immense sexual pleasure. A person with Venus in the first house for Aries ascendant is efficient, lucky, and religious. The native believes in the power of Almighty God. The native takes part in religious activities. The person’s business is good and he earns enough money. The native leads a happy, peaceful, comfortable, and respectable family life.

Venus in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant

A person with Venus in the second house for Aries ascendant is healthy, efficient, and lucky. The family of the native is large and he has sufficient wealth. The native takes up various business professions from time to time to earn money. The native has to face some problems in adopting the business. For Aries ascendant, the wife of a person with Venus in the second house is beautiful. With Venus in the second house for Aries ascendant, the person is happy with his wife. A person with Venus in the second house for Aries ascendant loves him and enjoys sexual pleasure. The native gets the benefit of a long life and the benefit of inheritance.

Venus in 3rd House for Aries Ascendant

When Venus is situated in the third house for Aries ascendant, the person is handsome, courageous, careful, and clever towards his duty. A person with Venus in the 3rd house for Aries ascendant works hard to get success in his business. The native makes progress and earns immense wealth. The person occupies a good position and has respect in the society. The younger siblings of the native are helpful. If Venus is in the third house for Aries ascendant, the person gets a wife of a religious nature. The native falls in love with her and gets immense sexual pleasure.

Venus in 4th House for Aries Ascendant

A person with Venus in the fourth house for Aries ascendant is beautiful and healthy. The person gets happiness from the family and wealth is accumulated. The native respects his mother and receives her love and blessings. The native gets the benefit of management of land and building property. The native holds a good position in the society. The native’s wife is good and he enjoys family happiness. The native respects his father and receives his affection and blessings. The native gets respect in the government and society. Such a person is lucky, religious, and wealthy. The person leads a happy and respectable family life.

Venus in 5th House for Aries Ascendant

A person with Venus in the fifth house for Aries ascendant is handsome and well-educated. The native has to face some problems during higher education. They complete higher education. The native with Venus in the fifth house for Aries ascendant is eloquent and a good communicator. Due to Venus in the fifth house for Aries ascendant, the person remains unhappy with the company of his wife. The native loses family happiness and indulges in external intercourse. The person is always worried mentally and is also unhappy with the children. The business of the native is good. The native gets immense financial benefits. Such a person is lucky and religious. The native is very clever and leads a successful and respectable social life.

Venus in 6th House for Aries Ascendant

A person with Venus in the sixth house for Aries ascendant is physically weak but courageous and intelligent. A person is always worried about position and money. The native suffers because of the enemies. When Venus is in the sixth house for Aries ascendant, the person controls them cleverly. The native uses secret methods to become successful and earns some money to lead a happy life. The native remains unhappy with his life partner and feels unsatisfied in enjoying sexual pleasure. The native tries to get some money from foreign sources. The person leads a struggling life.

Venus in 7th House for Aries Ascendant

Venus is here in its original sign. With Venus in the seventh house for Aries ascendant, the person is courageous and intelligent. The native gets a beautiful wife and a wealthy father-in-law. With Venus in the seventh house for Aries ascendant, the family bond of the native is good. The native loves his wife and gets immense sexual pleasure. The native conducts his business efficiently and cleverly and earns sufficient money. Due to Venus in the seventh house for Aries ascendant, the native gets respect.

Venus in 8th House for Aries Ascendant

The person is physically weak and unhealthy but intelligent and influential. The native gets the benefit of a long life and inheritance and has a long life. The native incurs money loss and works hard to get success with foreign help. Due to Venus in the eighth house for Aries ascendant, the person remains unhappy with his wife. A person with Venus in the eighth house for Aries ascendant is passionate but lacks sexual pleasure. The native with Venus in the eighth house for Aries ascendant cleverly conquers them and increases family wealth. With Venus in the eighth house for Aries ascendant, the person maintains his dignity and remains happy.

Venus in 9th House for Aries Ascendant

A person with Venus in the ninth house for Aries ascendant is very lucky, influential, and clever. The native believes in the supreme power of Almighty God. The native gets happiness from his life partner and family. The native earns enough money and spends it on the welfare of the family. The person is courageous and hardworking. The younger brothers and sisters of the natives are also happy and cooperative. One works hard and achieves success. The wealth of the natives increases. Such a person leads a happy, comfortable, and prosperous family life.

Venus in 10th House for Aries Ascendant

A person with Venus in the tenth house for Aries ascendant is handsome, healthy, and intelligent. With Venus in the tenth house for Aries ascendant, the native respects his father and receives his blessings and support. The native gets appreciation and respect from the government and society. A respectable partner is beneficial for a professional career. The native respects his mother and receives her love and affection. The native gets the power to manage and maintain land and residential house property. The person is very rich and famous. Such a person is clever in getting all the happiness, peace, and prosperity in family life.

Venus in 11th House for Aries Ascendant

A person with Venus in 11th house for Aries ascendant is good-looking, healthy, intelligent, and influential. The native gets success and progress in his business. The elder brothers and sisters of the natives also cooperate with him. The native earns sufficient wealth and enjoys a respectable life in society. The wife of the native is beautiful. The native respects him and gets good sexual pleasure. The native gets higher education. The child of the native is good. The native loves him and gets strength from him. The person is very selfish and clever.

Venus in 12th House for Aries Ascendant

Venus is exalted here. With Venus in the 12th house for Aries ascendant, the native spends a lot and loses his wealth. The natives cannot control heavy expenditure. Native’s family and relatives may look unhappy. The native improves his business and cleverly earns substantial money from foreign sources. The person always remains in fear of enemies. The native with Venus in the 12th house for Aries Lagna overcomes them politely. The person gets his work done by using some secret methods. The person is of a quarrelsome nature. The person leads a normal struggling life. The native enjoys luxuries a lot, such a native has a very loving wife and a long life.

Wrapping Up

Venus is one of the most important planets and auspicious planets for Aries ascendant, but in exceptional situations, it can also act as an antidote. Overall, a fruitful and favorable planet for Aries ascendant. Venus is generally the most auspicious planet after Jupiter. Venus is the karaka for marriage and life partner and it also signifies romance, passion, talents, and hobbies in life along with its position in one’s horoscope. Venus also signifies the beauty of cosmetics and costumes. If Venus is weak or suffering from Venus in the Aries Ascendant, then it becomes necessary to take measures for it, and to know the solution one should Talk with Astrologers.

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