Sun in all 12 houses of Aries ascendant

September 28, 2023

Sun itself is the significator of power, position, government, success, happiness, prosperity, and growth, it will be the prime planet to analyze for this particular ascendant. Sun will act as the main planet in doing good or bad in the life of the Aries ascendant.

Sun in 1st House for Aries ascendant

If Sun is in the 1st House for Aries ascendant, then the person’s height is medium. The native is healthy, brave, energetic, strong, ambitious, scholarly, knowledgeable, and intelligent. Sun is exalted in Aries ascendant. It makes the native wealthy, fortunate, respected, and in a good position in life. Here the Sun bestows the power to create conditions of dignity and respectable living. There is a benefit from money and children. Intelligent and learned. variable residence. Opponents will be overpowered. There will be some losses and ups and downs regarding money, profession, or position in the middle of life. Being a victim brings the benefits of power, authority, and fluctuating finances. The native himself is careless and does not do his business properly and loses his earnings. A person with Sun in the first house for Aries ascendant leads a turbulent life.

Sun in 2nd House for Aries ascendant

A person with Sun in the second house for an Aries ascendant is courageous and intelligent. When there is Sun in the second house for an Aries ascendant, the person remains mentally worried due to weak economic condition. The native works hard to get success in business. Sun is situated in Taurus and indicates that the native will benefit from investments, happiness, and progeny, the children of the native will get the wealth that they enjoy. If the Sun is afflicted, the native wealth is destroyed by speculation, revelry, and young people. The native gets some monetary benefits. The native has to face some difficulties in getting a good education. Due to Sun being in the second house for Aries ascendant, the native has some problems related to children. The native impresses his family and feels happy. The native gets the benefit of long life and the benefit of inheritance.

Sun in 3rd House for Aries ascendant

Sun in 3rd house for Aries ascendant is highly educated and knowledgeable. The person has strong intelligence and influence of speech. A person with Sun in the third house for Aries ascendant is fearless and fluent in speech. The person is physically healthy, extremely courageous, courageous, and hardworking. When Sun is afflicted in the third house for Aries ascendant, it gives opposite results. The native remains happy and peaceful with his younger siblings. All of them are his allies. If Sun is in the third house in Aries ascendant, then the person has full faith in Almighty God. The native believes in religion and follows religious duties. Such a person is fortunate, a pilgrim and a donor. The person leads a comfortable life when the Sun is in the third house for Aries ascendant.

Sun in 4th House for Aries ascendant

Sun in 4th house for Aries ascendant will give you property, profit from the vehicle, love from parents and home. The child of the native will benefit from the gift. The native gets respect and authority till the last moment of his life. The native is handsome and intelligent. The native gets higher education. For the Aries ascendant, a person with Sun in the fourth house speaks sweetly. When there is Sun in the fourth house for Aries ascendant, the person becomes mentally sharp. If Sun is in the fourth house in Aries ascendant, then the person has the qualities of a mother. Jatak gets some power from children. The native respects his mother and gets ownership of land and house property. If there is Sun in the fourth house for Aries ascendant, then the person always has to face failure in the field of work.

Sun in 5th House for Aries ascendant

If Sun is the 5th house of Aries ascendant, then the person gets higher education. The native is intellectual, knowledgeable, visionary, and influential. For Aries ascendant, a person with Sun in the 5th house is a good speaker. He will be lucky, wealthy, and extremely happy. Sun in the 5th house in Aries ascendant will give prosperous children, which will bring happiness and prestige in youth and wealth in old age. The native is the father of a capable son and gets some power from him. The native has to face difficulties in the way of business and career. A person with Sun in the 5th house for Aries ascendant gets benefits after making some bold efforts. The person is very creative. For the Aries ascendant, a person with Sun in the 5th house always speaks bitterly to get more benefits. A person considers himself superior to others in intelligence. So some people directly criticize them.

Sun in 6th House for Aries ascendant

A person with Sun in the 6th house for Aries ascendant is intelligent and clever. If there is Sun in the 6th house for Aries ascendant, then the person has difficulty in getting higher education. The native feels weak in education. Such a person is mentally worried about success. The person keeps an eye on the enemies by remaining silent and getting victory over them. The native gives guidance to others to overcome the problem. If the Sun is in the 6th house in Aries ascendant, then the person gets more benefits from foreign sources. The native is fond of cleanliness and pets. The native lacks respect in his own country but gets enough respect and appreciation in foreign countries. Due to Sun being in the 6th house for Aries ascendant, the native remains restless because of the child. The person leads a sad and restless life.

Sun in 7th House for Aries ascendant

If the Sun in the 7th house in Aries ascendant, then the person is physically and mentally weak. For Aries ascendant, if the Sun is in the 7th house, then the person feels unwell. The person remains unhappy with his wife. Native has some problems in family life and lack of sexual pleasure. The person remains unhappy with his children. The native is not intelligent and suffers in higher education. If the Sun is debilitated or afflicted, marriage may be denied or delayed. If married, there can be divorce, separation, or discord in married life. A person with Sun in the 7th house for Aries ascendant is a person with secrets. One works hard in both legal and illegal ways to earn more. For the Aries ascendant, the native gets some benefits with Sun in the 7th house. The person is of tall stature but with a lean body. The person is hasty and self-respecting. The native gets respect because of his intelligence and intelligence. This shows his weak personality.

Sun in 8th House for Aries ascendant

The native is always worried mentally but maintains secrecy in routine life. The native gets the benefit of long life and the benefit of inheritance. If Sun in the 8th house in Aries ascendant, then the person is deprived of a good education. The person is always worried because of his children. The person is devious by nature and harsh in speech. The native is always in a hurry to work to earn money. The native makes efforts and earns money through others. Due to Sun being in the 8th house for Aries ascendant, the native also accumulates some wealth. The native spends a lot for family happiness and welfare. The person whose Sun in the 8th house in Aries ascendant is always engaged in earning money. Sun in the 8th house for Aries ascendant makes the native feel unsatisfied and unhappy in life.

Sun in 9th House for Aries ascendant

If there is Sun in the 9th house for Aries ascendant, the person is intelligent, learned, lucky and religious. The native gets excellent education and improves his fortune with his intelligence and energy. The native will get wealth, position, and authority. The natives will have dutiful children, will get happiness in foreign countries, and will have to travel long distances. The person is charitable and religious, benefits from children, the child can become a preacher, scientist, or researcher. The native has full faith in God and participates in religious activities. The native with Sun in 9th house for Aries ascendant is a pilgrim and travels to holy places. A person with Sun in the 9th house for Aries ascendant is generous, charitable, and famous. The native speaks the truth and gets happiness and power from his sons. A person with Sun in the 9th house for Aries ascendant is fearless and courageous. 

Sun in 10th House for Aries ascendant

If there is a Sun in the 10th house of Aries ascendant, then there is a lack of good manners in the person. The native develops enmity with his father and has no respect for him. The native has to face difficulties in the path of progress. The native tries to bring decency to his work and earns enough money. The native has excellent knowledge of languages. The person becomes famous and wealthy. Jatak gets to profit in betting, respected child, business, or the theatrical world. The native will get happiness and respect from his father-in-law or father and wife. If there is a Sun in the 10th house of Aries ascendant, then the person becomes aggressive, proud, and intolerant. For Aries ascendant, if the Sun is in the 10th house, then the native has to face opposition from the government and the society. For the Aries ascendant, the native with Sun in the 10th house respects his mother. The native is skilled and intelligent and leads a happy and comfortable family life.

Sun in 11th House for Aries ascendant

Sun in the 11th house for Aries ascendant makes the native hardworking and ambitious. The person is of good position, respectable, generous, and charitable. One works hard day and night to get more family happiness. The elder brothers and sisters of the natives help and cooperate with him. The native earns enough money with his intelligence and discretion and spends it for the happiness and welfare of the family. The person is intelligent and knowledgeable. If there is Sun in the eleventh house for Aries ascendant, then the person gets higher education. The person whose Sun is in the eleventh house in Aries ascendant remains satisfied with his children. The native with Sun in the eleventh house for Aries ascendant loves them and they help him. If Sun is in the eleventh house for Aries ascendant, then the person is selfish and clever. The person is harsh in speech and he gets its benefit. Such a person has a wide social circle and leads a comfortable and respectable life.

Sun in 12th House for Aries ascendant

A person with Sun in the 12th house spends a lot of his money on Aries ascendant. The person remains mentally disturbed due to excessive expenditure. The native tries to control the expenditure but fails and incurs losses. The native with Sun in the 12th house for Aries ascendant is not happy with his children. When the Sun is in the twelfth house for Aries ascendant, then the person’s eyes are weak. The person talks roundly but has good contact with outsiders including foreigners. A person gets a lot of money from them. The native is intelligent but lacks good education. If there is Sun in the 12th house for Aries ascendant, then the person suffers from enemies. The native leads an unhappy and uncomfortable family life.

Wrapping Up

It is necessary to take measures to remove the inauspicious effects of the Sun in Aries. If the Sun is weak or suffering from sin in the Aries ascendant, then it becomes necessary to take measures for it and to know the solution one should talk with astrologers.

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