Sagai Muhurat 2024

October 9, 2023

An engagement ceremony is a ceremony that marks the beginning of the harmony of marriage. It is also known as an engagement ceremony or ring ceremony.

Method of Ring Ceremony

It is one of the first ceremonies between the two families and the prospective bride and groom. The Sagai Ceremony is basically a brief ritual in which the couple exchanges gold rings. This ensures both parties that the girl and the boy are now linked. That is why it is also called Ring Ceremony. This is followed by an exchange of gifts like sweets, dry fruits, etc. among the families. This is followed by a lunch or dinner party.

In some families, the engagement ceremony is combined with the engagement itself. This is one type of pre-wedding ceremony function, which strengthens the bond between the two families. At the engagement, the bride is given jewelry, clothes, makeup kits, and baby toys by the groom’s mother. On the other hand, Tilak is applied to the groom by the bride’s family, and gifts are given. Havan is also performed from time to time. Here also a lot of gifts like fruits, sweets, and clothes are exchanged between the two.

These ceremonies are performed in different parts of the country in different ways and with different rituals and are also called by different names, such as blessing ceremony, chunni offering, sagan ceremony, Magani, etc. However, the essence of all these ceremonies is the same. In addition, often the date of the wedding is also decided and confirmed in these ceremonies. Thus, these ceremonies are performed with the blessings of the elders and the almighty.

The ceremony of the exchange of rings between the boy and the girl should be done at an auspicious time. Here is the list for Sagai Muhurat in 2024.

Sagai Muhurat January 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
20 January Saturday Krittika  09:11 AM to 03:34 PM
21 January Sunday  Rohini  07:45 AM to 09:07 AM 
31 January Wednesday Hasta  07:41 AM to 02:51 PM

Sagai Muhurat February 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
4 February  Sunday  Vishakha 

07:40 AM to 09:43 AM 

11:08 AM to 04:54 PM

6 February  Tuesday  Moola  08:00 AM to 12:28 PM
7 February  Wednesday Purvashadha  02:23 PM to 06:58 PM
14 February  Wednesday  Revati 

07:32 AM to 10:25 AM 

01:56 PM to 06:31 PM

16 February  Friday  Bharani  07:31 AM to 10:21 AM 
19 February  Monday  Mrigashira 

07:28 AM to 08:40 AM 

10:05 AM to 11:40 AM

25 February  Sunday  Purva Phalguni 

07:22 AM to 11:17 AM 

01:12 PM to 08:05 PM

Sagai Muhurat March 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
2 March Saturday  Vishakha  07:16 AM to 07:53 AM 
5 March Tuesday  Moola  07:37 AM to 10:38 AM
6 March Wednesday  Purvashadha  12:33 PM to 07:25 PM 
7 March Thursday  Uttarasadha 

07:33 AM to 12:29 PM

02:44 PM to 09:21 PM

Sagai Muhurat April 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
17 April Wednesday Ashlesha  07:48 AM to 04:36 PM
21 April Sunday  Uttara Phalguni 

07:37 AM to 09:32 AM

11:47 AM to 06:41 PM

22 April Monday  Hasta  09:36 AM to 04:28 PM
23 April Tuesday  Chitra 

07:21 AM to 11:31 AM

01:51 PM to 06:25 PM

26 April Friday  Anuradha  07:17 AM to 01:47 PM
28 April Sunday  Moola  09:05 AM to 03:57 PM

Sagai Muhurat May 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
3 May  Friday  Shatabhisha  06:49 AM to 11:00 AM 
10 May  Friday  Rohini

06:22 AM to 08:18 AM

10:32 AM to 05:26 PM

12 May  Sunday  Ardra  12:45 PM to 07:38 PM
13 May  Monday  Punarvasu 

06:10 AM to 12:41 PM

02:58 PM to 07:34 PM

17 May  Friday  Purva Phalguni  10:05 AM to 02:42 PM
18 May  Saturday  Uttara Phalguni 

06:00 AM to 07:46 AM 

10:00 AM to 04:55 PM

19 May  Sunday  Hasta 02:34 PM to 04:51 PM
20 May  Monday  Chitra  09:53 AM to 02:47 PM
24 May  Friday  Anuradha  07:23 AM to 11:57 AM
25 May  Saturday  Jyeshtha 

11:53 AM to 02:11 PM

04:27 PM to 06:46 PM

29 May  Wednesday  Shravana 

09:17 AM to 04:11 PM

Sagai Muhurat June 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
1 June  Saturday  Uttara Bhadrapada 09:06 AM to 11:26 AM 

01:43 PM to 06:19 PM

7 June  Friday  Mrigashira  11:02 AM to 05:55 PM
9 June  Sunday  Punarvasu  06:20 AM to 08:34 AM 

10:55 AM to 05:47 PM 

10 June  Monday  Pushya  05:44 PM to 08:02 PM 
12 June  Wednesday  Magha  06:48 AM to 01:00 PM

03:16 PM to 07:00 PM

16 June  Sunday  Hasta  08:07 AM to 03:00 PM
23 June  Sunday  Purvashadha  07:39 AM to 12:17 PM

02:33 PM to 07:11 PM

26 June   Wednesday  Dhanishtha  09:48 AM to 04:48 PM
30 June  Sunday  Revati 

02:05 PM to 06:43 PM

Sagai Muhurat July 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
22 July  Monday  Shravana 06:08 AM to 12:39 PM

02:58 PM to 06:27 PM

25 July  Thursday  Purva Bhadrapada 07:54 AM to 05:05 PM
26 July  Friday  Uttara Bhadrapada 06:10 AM to 07:50 AM

10:07 AM to 05:01 PM

27 July  Saturday  Revati  12:19 PM to 07:01 PM
28 July  Sunday  Ashwini

07:42 AM to 10:00 AM

12:15 PM to 02:35 PM

31 July  Wednesday  Rohini

07:30 AM to 12:04 PM

02:23 PM to 06:46 PM

Sagai Muhurat August 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
1 August  Thursday  Mrigashira  07:26 AM to 12:00 Noon 
2 August  Friday  Ardra  11:56 AM to 02:15 PM 
5 August  Monday  Ashlesha  09:28 AM to 02:26 PM
7 August  Wednesday  Purva Phalguni 

07:03 AM to 09:20 AM

11:36 AM to 06:18 PM

9 August  Friday  Hasta  06:55 AM to 11:28 AM 

01:48 PM to 06:10 PM

10 August  Saturday  Chitra 

06:51 AM to 10:24 AM

01:44 PM to 06:06 PM

19 August  Monday  Shravana 03:27 PM to 07:13 PM
21 August  Wednesday  Purva Bhadrapada 

07:19 AM to 01:00 PM

03:19 PM to 07:05 PM

24 August  Saturday  Ashwini 

06:38 AM to 08:13 AM

10:29 AM to 05:11 PM

26 August  Monday  Krittika 

06:27 AM to 10:21 AM 

12:41 PM to 06:46 PM 

Sagai Muhurat September 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
4 September  Wednesday  Uttara Phalguni  09:46 AM to 06:10 PM
5 September  Thursday  Uttara Phalguni 

07:26 AM to 09:42 AM 

12:01 PM to 06:06 PM

6 September  Friday  Hasta  07:22 AM to 09:38 AM 

11:58 AM to 04:20 PM

8 September  Sunday  Swati 

07:20 AM to 11:50 AM 

04:08 PM to 11:22 PM

9 September  Monday  Vishakha  07:10 AM to 11:46 AM 

04:08 PM to 06:34 PM

13 September  Friday  Purvashadha 

09:11 AM to 03:53 PM

05:35 PM to 07:02 PM

14 September  Saturday  Uttarasadha  07:15 AM to 09:05 AM 
15 September  Sunday  Shravana 

06:46 AM to 09:03 AM 

11:22 AM to 05:27 PM 

16 September  Monday  Dhanishtha 

06:43 AM to 11:18 AM 

01:37 PM to 03:41 PM 

Sagai Muhurat October 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
3 October  Thursday  Hasta  06:46 AM to 07:52 AM 

10:11 AM to 04:16 PM

05:44 PM to 07:09 PM

4 October  Friday  Chitra 

06:47 AM to 10:07 AM

12:26 PM to 05:40 PM

6 October  Sunday  Vishakha  07:40 AM to 10:00 AM 
7 October  Monday  Anuradha  02:18 PM to 06:53 PM
9 October  Wednesday  Moola  07:28 AM to 02:10 PM 

03:53 PM to 06:43 PM

14 October  Monday  Shatabhisha 

07:11 AM to 09:28 AM 

11:47 AM to 05:00 PM 

17 October  Thursday  Revati  07:18 AM to 11:35 AM 

01:39 PM to 06:14 PM 

18 October  Friday  Ashwini 06:55 AM to 01:35 PM
19 October  Saturday  Bharani  11:27AM to 01:31 PM

03:13 PM to 06:06 PM 

21 October  Monday  Rohini

09:01 AM to 03:05 PM 

04:33 PM to 06:44 PM

23 October  Wednesday  Punarvasu  02:58 PM to 04:25 PM 

05:50 PM to 07:26 PM 

24 October  Thursday  Pushya 

07:00 AM to 11:07 AM 

01:11 PM to 05:46 PM

26 October  Saturday  Ashlesha  07:00 AM to 01:04 PM 

02:46 PM to 05:38 PM 

27 October  Sunday  Magha 

07:00 AM to 01:00 PM 

02:42 PM to 07:05 PM

28 October  Monday  Purva Phalguni 

07:16 AM to 12:56 PM 

02:38 PM to 07:06 PM 

30 October  Wednesday  Hasta  08:25 AM to 02:30 PM 

Sagai Muhurat November 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
2 November  Saturday  Vishakha  07:05 AM to 03:46 PM 

05:11 PM to 06:46 PM

3 November  Sunday  Anuradha 

07:06 AM to 10:28 AM 

12:32 PM to 05:07 PM 

4 November  Monday  Anuradha  07:07 AM to 10:24 AM 
6 November  Wednesday  Moola 

07:08 AM to 12:20 PM 

02:03 PM to 06:30 PM

7 November  Thursday  Purvashadha  07:09 AM to 12:16 PM 

02:00 PM to 06:23 PM 

8 November  Friday  Uttarasadha 

07:50 AM to 01:55 PM 

03:22 PM to 06:22 PM 

9 November  Saturday  Shravana  12:08 PM to 01:51 PM 

03:18 PM to 06:19 PM 

11 November  Monday  Shatabhisha 

09:57 AM to 03:10 PM 

04:35 PM to 06:11 PM

13 November  Wednesday  Revati  07:30 AM to 09:49 AM 

11:53 AM to 06:28 PM

14 November  Thursday  Ashwini  07:26 AM to 11:49 AM
16 November   Saturday  Krittika  07:18 AM to 01:23 PM 

02:51 PM to 07:47 PM

17 November  Sunday  Rohini

07:17 AM to 01:19 PM 

02:47 PM to 07:43 PM 

21 November  Thursday  Pushya  07:20 AM to 09:17 AM 

11:21 AM to 03:56 PM 

23 November  Saturday  Magha 

07:27 AM to 11:13 AM 

12:56 PM to 05:23 PM 

27 November  Wednesday  Chitra 

07:25 AM to 12:40 PM 

02:08 PM to 06:38 PM 

Sagai Muhurat December 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
6 December  Friday  Shravana  07:32 AM to 12:05 PM 

01:32 PM to 06:28 PM 

7 December  Saturday  Dhanishtha 

08:14 AM to 01:28 PM 

02:52 PM to 06:24 PM 

8 December  Sunday  Shatabhisha  08:10 AM to 11:57 AM 
9 December  Monday  Purva Bhadrapada  08:07 AM to 10:11 AM 
11 December  Wednesday  Revati  10:03 AM to 04:13 PM 
12 December  Thursday  Ashwini  07:36 AM to 10:00 AM 
13 December  Friday  Bharani 

11:37 AM to 06:00 PM 

Wrapping Up 

The Ring ceremony is performed before the wedding to validate the bond between two souls. If the engagement takes place as per the auspicious time of engagement, the bride and groom-to-be are likely to have a blissful and golden time. During the process of engagement in the auspicious Sagai Muhurat, the pandit chants mantras and performs puja to seek the blessings of the deities for a happy and healthy life for the couple. So, for all those natives who are preparing to get engaged in the year 2024, we have prepared a list of auspicious dates for Sagai in 2024. Find the Muhurat for engagement in 2024 that is most suitable for you as per astrology advice by Astrology phone consultation.

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