Namkaran Muhurat 2024

October 9, 2023

The arrival of a newborn baby in the family is a moment of joy for every member of the household. After the birth of the baby, the first thing to do is to choose the baby’s name. But, unfortunately, a person lives with this name all his life. Thus significant efforts should be made by the parents for a good name for the child. Naamkaran Sanskar is performed to name the child according to astrology.

What is a Naming Ceremony?

In short “name” signifies a name, and “cause” is “to create, to result”. The naming ceremony is often performed ten days after the birth of the child. However, the mother and the baby are considered inauspicious during these ten postpartum days. After those ten days, the house is cleaned and sanctified.

Naamkaran is the fifth of the 16 rituals of Hinduism. As its name implies, this ceremony preserves the name of the newborn. Nouns are said to be associated with actions. Therefore, in this circumstance, it is important to protect the name under careful consideration. The naming of each baby is done according to strict Hindu tradition.

How is the Right Name for the Child Decided?

According to Vedic literature, the naming ceremony increases the age and brightness of a person. The person establishes his personality and acquires notoriety for his name, behavior, and actions.

Based on the Nakshatra at the time of birth, it is decided which letter of the Sanskrit alphabet will be auspicious for the child. Then a name starting with that letter is given to the baby. The question must be coming into your mind of how to name it. The answer is submitted in this article.

Namkaran Muhurat in January 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
3 January  Wednesday Uttara Phalguni  08:36AM to 04:41 PM
4 January  Thursday Hasta 07:14 AM to 10:07 PM
7 January  Sunday Vishakha 01:04 PM to 02:43 PM
8 January  Monday Anuradha  08:16 AM to 04:21 PM
11 January  Thursday Purvashadha  01:15 PM to 02:45 PM
12 January  Friday Uttarasadha 09:32 AM to 10:58 AM
17 January  Wednesday Revati 07:46 AM to 05:42 PM
18 January  Thursday Ashwini 07:57 PM to 09:30 PM
21 January  Sunday Rohini 12:34 PM to 02:13 PM
22 January  Monday Mrigashira  08:06 AM to 03:26 PM
25 January  Thursday Punarvasu  08:11 AM to 11:39 AM
31 January  Wednesday Hasta 

09:55 AM to 12:55 PM

Namkaran Muhurat in February 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time
1 February  Thursday Chitra  06:45 AM to 12:49 PM
2 February  Friday Swati  06:43 AM to 03:55 PM
4 February  Sunday Vishakha  02:53 PM to 10:40 PM
8 February  Thursday Uttarasadha 08:28 PM to 09:55 PM
11 February  Sunday Shatabhisha  07:55 AM to 05:39 PM
14 February  Wednesday Revati  10:43 AM to 03:12 PM
18 February  Sunday Rohini 09:23 AM to 03:13 PM
21 February  Wednesday Punarvasu  07:44 AM to 02:18 PM
22 February  Thursday Pushya 10:15 AM to 04:43 PM
25 February  Sunday Purva Phalguni  11:52 AM to 06:38 PM
26 February  Monday Uttara Phalguni 08:40 AM to 05:43 PM
29 February  Thursday Chitra  09:26 AM to 03:11 PM

Namkaran Muhurat in March 2024


Day  Nakshatra  Time
1 March Friday  Swati 06:45 AM to 12:49 PM
3 March Sunday Anuradha  06:36 AM to 03:55 PM
6 March Wednesday Purvashadha 02:53 PM to 08:28 PM
7 March Thursday Uttarasadha 07:34 AM to 01:03 PM
8 March Friday Shravana  10:41 AM to 04:01 PM
11 March Monday Uttara Bhadrapada  12:13 PM to 04:48 PM
15 March Friday Krittika 10:16 AM to 04:08 PM
17 March Sunday Mrigashira  10:33 AM to 04:47 PM
20 March Wednesday Pushya 09:21 AM to 03:59 PM
24 March Sunday Purva Phalguni  07:34 AM to 02:20 PM
25 March Monday Uttara Phalguni  10:38 AM to 01:33 PM
27 March Wednesday Chitra  09:37 AM to 04:16 PM
28 March Thursday Swati  12:05 PM to 06:38 PM
29 March Friday Vishakha 

07:40 AM to 08:36 PM

Namkaran Muhurat in April 2024 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
3 April Wednesday Uttarasadha  10:23 AM to 09:43 PM
4 April Thursday Shravana  09:04 AM to 02:39 PM
5 April Friday Dhanishtha  07:12 AM to 06:07 PM
12 April Friday Rohini  02:42 PM to 05:00 PM 
21 April Sunday Uttara Phalguni  10:23 AM to 05:08 PM
24 April Wednesday Swati 10:40 AM to 06:11 PM
26 April Friday Anuradha 

08:16 AM to 01:47 PM

Namkaran Muhurat in May 2024 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
1 May  Wednesday Shravana 09:57 AM to 03:43 PM
3 May  Friday Shatabhisha 07:25 AM to 01:00 PM
5 May  Sunday Uttara Bhadrapada 09:03 AM to 07:57 PM
6 May  Monday Revati  06:50 AM to 05:43 PM
9 May  Thursday Krittika  06:17 AM to 11:55 AM
10 May  Friday Rohini  10:47 AM to 04:35 PM
13 May  Monday Punarvasu 11:23 AM to 05:45 PM
19 May  Sunday Hasta 07:08 AM to 01:52 PM
20 May  Monday Chitra  09:56 AM to 04:34 PM
23 May  Thursday Vishakha 09:15 AM to 03:31 PM
24 May  Friday Anuradha  10:10 AM to 04:19 PM
27 May  Monday Purvashadha 10:13 AM to 04:05 PM
30 May  Thursday Dhanishtha

07:31 AM to 01:13 PM

Namkaran Muhurat in June 2024 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
2 June Sunday Revati  08:52 AM to 02:28 PM
3 June Monday Ashwini  07:16 AM to 12:52 PM
6 June Thursday Rohini 08:43 AM to 02:29 PM
7 June Friday Mrigashira  07:56 AM to 01:48 PM
10 June Monday Pushya  08:55 AM to 03:16 PM
14 June Friday Uttara Phalguni  11:55 AM to 06:41 PM
16 June Sunday Hasta  11:13 AM to 05:55 PM
17 June Monday Chitra  07:14 AM to 01:50 PM
19 June Wednesday Vishakha  11:05 AM to 05:23 PM
23 June Sunday Purvashadha  11:18 AM to 05:13 PM
24 June Monday Uttarasadha  10:13 AM to 03:54 PM
26 June Wednesday Dhanishtha  07:27 AM to 01:05 PM
27 June Thursday Shatabhisha  05:58 AM to 11:36 AM 
28 June Saturday Purva Bhadrapada  10:10 AM to 03:50 PM
30 June Sunday Revati

07:34 AM to 01:16 PM

Namkaran Muhurat in July 2024 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
3 July  Wednesday Rohini 10:30 AM to 04:21 PM
7 July  Sunday Pushya 11:30 AM to 05:21 PM
11 July  Thursday Purva Phalguni  06:20 AM to 01:04 PM
12 July  Friday Uttara Phalguni  09:22 AM to 04:09 PM
14 July  Sunday Chitra  08:43 AM to 10:06 PM
15 July  Monday Swati  11:22 AM to 05:57 PM
17 July  Wednesday Anuradha  08:33 AM to 02:49 PM
21 July  Sunday Uttarasadha  07:27 AM to 01:04 PM
22 July  Monday Shravana  11:19 AM to 04:50 PM
25 July  Thursday Purva Bhadrapada  10:45 AM to 04:16 PM
26 July  Friday Uttara Bhadrapada 08:55 AM to 02:30 PM
28 July  Sunday Ashwini  06:04 AM to 11:47 PM
31 July  Wednesday Rohini 

10:12 AM to 04:13 PM

Namkaran Muhurat in August 2024 


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
1 August  Thursday Mrigashira  10:24 AM to 04:30 PM
8 August  Friday Uttara Phalguni  10:01 AM to 05:15 PM
11 August  Sunday Chitra 10:45 AM to 12:32 PM
21 August  Wednesday Purva Bhadrapada  08:30 AM to 01:51 PM
22 August  Thursday Uttara Bhadrapada  11:18 AM to 04:41 PM
23 August  Friday Revati  08:57 AM to 02:25 PM
26 August  Monday Krittika  10:05 AM to 03:55 PM
28 August  Wednesday Mrigashira  09:46 AM to 03:53 PM
30 August  Friday Punarvasu 

11:34 AM to 05:56 PM

Namkaran Muhurat in September 2024 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
4 September Wednesday Uttara Phalguni  12:05 PM to 04:48 PM
5 September Thursday Uttara Phalguni  07:26 AM to 04:24 PM
6 September Friday Hasta 07:22 AM to 04:20 PM
8 September Sunday Swati  08:48 AM to 03:31 PM
9 September Monday Vishakha  11:28 AM to 06:04 PM
13 September Friday Purvashadha  09:50 AM to 03:44 PM
15 September Sunday Shravana  07:45 AM to 01:18 PM
18 September Wednesday Purva Bhadrapada  11:00 AM to 04:16 PM
19 September Thursday Uttara Bhadrapada  08:04 AM to 01:21 PM
20 September Friday Ashwini  10:35 AM to 10:56 PM
22 September Sunday Krittika  11:44 AM to 05:22 PM
23 September Monday Rohini  10:30 AM to 04:17 PM
27 September Friday Pushya 

12:23 PM to 06:51 PM

Namkaran Muhurat in October 2024 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
3 October Thursday Hasta  08:45 AM to 03:32 PM
4 October Friday Chitra  11:52 AM to 06:38 PM
7 October Monday Anuradha  06:47 AM to 01:21 PM
11 October Friday Uttarasadha  11:41 AM to 05:38 PM
14 October Monday Shatabhisha  08:22 AM to 01:51 PM
16 October Wednesday Uttara Bhadrapada  08:44 AM to 02:01 PM
17 October Thursday Revati  11:04 AM to 04:20 PM
18 October Friday Ashwini  08:09 AM to 01:26 PM
21 October Monday Rohini  06:50 AM to 12:31 PM
24 October Thursday Pushya  12:32 PM to 06:52 PM
28 October Monday Purva Phalguni  08:37 AM to 03:24 PM
30 October Wednesday Hasta 

08:09 AM to 02:57 PM 

Namkaran Muhurat in November 2024 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
1 November Friday Swati  07:28 AM to 02:10 PM
3 November Sunday Anuradha  12:32 PM to 07:04 PM
7 November Thursday Purvashadha  11:47 AM to 05:54 PM
8 November Friday Uttarasadha  12:03 PM to 06:02 PM
13 November Wednesday Revati  11:04 AM to 04:47 PM
17 November Sunday Rohini  11:51 AM to 05:22 PM
18 November Monday Mrigashira  10:09 AM to 03:49 PM
20 November Wednesday Punarvasu  08:47 AM to 02:50 PM
21 November Thursday Pushya  09:19 AM to 03:35 PM
25 November Monday Uttara Phalguni  11:49 AM to 06:36 PM
27 November Wednesday Chitra  11:21 AM to 06:07 PM
28 November Thursday Chitra 

07:36 AM to 02:18 PM

Namkaran Muhurat in December 2024 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
5 December Thursday Uttarasadha  01:36 PM to 04:36 PM
6 December Friday Shravana  08:18 AM to 12:05 PM
8 December Sunday Shatabhisha  10:16 AM to 04:03 PM 
11 December Wednesday Revati  10:03 AM to 04:13 PM
15 December Sunday Mrigashira  09:29 AM to 03:04 PM
22 December Sunday Uttara Phalguni  12:56 PM to 07:39 PM
23 December Monday Uttara Phalguni  09:09 AM to 03:55 PM
25 December Wednesday Chitra  07:43 AM to 10:50 PM
26 December Thursday Swati  11:30 AM to 06:09 PM
27 December Friday Vishakha 

07:21 AM to 01:57 PM

Wrapping Up

Namkaran Puja is often conducted ten days after the birth of the child. Sutak is supposed to start the next delivery. Its length varies. According to the Parashara Samhita, the Sutak is observed as ten days for the Brahmin varna, 12 days for the Kshatriya, 15 days for the Vaishya, and one month for the Shudra. However, the varna system is no longer applicable in modern society. Thus Chatti Puja for newborn babies is performed on the eleventh day. The naming ceremony of the child also takes place on the tenth day. Through Astrology phone consultation, you can know in detail about the time and auspicious time of Namkaran Sanskar Vidhi.

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