September 28, 2023
Gemini ascendant people are known for their quick wit and ability to adapt to change. In Vedic astrology, Gemini is considered a “mutable” sign, meaning that people with a Gemini ascendant are always changing and evolving. The people of Gemini ascendant are very sociable and their number of friends is usually large. However, they can also be very indecisive and may have trouble committing to one person or thing. They crave innovation and change, and they’re always on the move to the next new thing.
If there is an auspicious sign in the first house for Gemini Ascendant, then the wife of the native is beautiful. With Mars in the first house for Gemini Ascendant, the native enjoys all family pleasures. Gives help and support to the native in his business. The person is successful in business and earns enough money. The person is very handsome and physically strong. He is intelligent and learned. The native loves and respects his mother and receives her blessings. The native gets the benefit of the power of management of land and building properties.
Mars in the second house for Gemini Ascendant makes the native poor, unhappy, and a destroyer of wealth. The native does not have time to respect his mother. He is physically weak, but in his daily routine, he is always busy and happy. For Gemini Ascendant, the native with Mars in the 2nd house is fortunate and gets the benefits of long life and inheritance. The position of Mars in the 2nd house for a Gemini ascendant gives a long life and leads a happy and prosperous family life. If Mars is in the second house for a Gemini ascendant, the person is intelligent and ambitious. For Gemini Ascendant, the native with Mars in the second house works hard and earns immense wealth and accumulates it. The native gets the benefit of the power to use land and build property.
Mars in the third house for a Gemini ascendant, the native respects his mother and receives her love and blessings. The native with Mars in the third house for Gemini Ascendant manages properties like land and buildings and other comforts in family life. The person is influential and lucky. They always have a sense of fairness and are respected. The native is generous, hardworking, strong-willed, brave, and quick-tempered. The native is a devotee of Almighty God and spends some money on religious activities. He lives a prosperous life. The person is intelligent and courageous. He loves his younger siblings very much.
For Gemini ascendant, Mars is in the fourth house and the native has a mixed relationship with his wife. The person is courageous and hardworking. If there is Mars in the fourth house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person makes good progress in business and gets some profit. He himself works hard and earns enough money to run his business carefully. If there is an auspicious position in the fourth house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person gets respect in the government and society. If there is Mars in the fourth house for Gemini Ascendant, then the income of the native increases and wealth accumulates. If there is an auspicious yoga in the fourth house for the Gemini ascendant, then the person becomes happy, wealthy, and respected by having a long life. The native gets mixed feelings.
If there is Mars in the fifth house for Gemini ascendant, then the person is intelligent and hardworking. If there is auspicious yoga in the fifth house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person gets higher education. If there is auspicious yoga in the fifth house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person remains unhappy with the children and suffers from obstacles. The past life was full of difficulties and upheavals. Jatak gets an indication of nervous disease. For Gemini Ascendant, if there is an auspicious effect in the fifth house, then the person gets the benefit of a long life and inheritance. If Mars is situated in the fifth house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person is courageous, fearless, and influential.
If there is Mars in the sixth house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person does not believe in Almighty God. If there is Mars in the sixth house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person does not take an interest in religious works. The presence of Mars in the sixth house for Gemini Ascendant enables the native to work hard and lead a laborious life for greater gains. Many enemies are made by his own words and he is harmed. The person is patient, restless, and unreliable. Can be a victim of diabetes and other blood diseases. The native is a loyal servant, interested in social welfare.
The native has to face some problems with his father due to the placement of Mars in the seventh house for Gemini Ascendant. The native works hard on his own to run his business well and earn some money. If there is an auspicious effect in the seventh house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person gets respect in the government and society. The person is physically weak. The native feels passive in accumulating money for family needs. If there is Mars in the seventh house for Gemini ascendant, then the person is not happy with his wife. The native follows it carefully achieves success and earns some money.
If there is Mars in the eighth house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person is unable to accumulate wealth. He has to face many quarrels and disputes in the family. Due to disputes with brothers and enemies, the natives may be harmed. In the middle part of life, a person gets happiness and wealth. If there is auspicious yoga in the eighth house for the Gemini ascendant, then the person speaks bitterly. The native is not happy with his younger siblings and his relations are mixed, sometimes happy and sometimes angry. For Gemini Ascendant, if Mars is in the eighth house, then the native gets the benefit of long life and inheritance. If there is an auspicious yoga in the eighth house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person influences the enemies and gets the victory.
If there is Mars in the ninth house for Gemini ascendant, then the person spends a lot of money on family happiness and welfare. Due to Mars in the ninth house for Gemini Ascendant, the person is troubled by excessive expenditure. He earns some money from foreign sources. The native is brave and courageous and gets happiness and cooperation from his younger brothers and sisters. He works hard and earns handsome profits. The presence of Mars in the ninth house for Gemini Ascendant gives some happiness to the native and he enjoys the power of managing assets like land and residential houses. He leads a normal happy life. The native is carefree but fortunate to some extent and gets benefits in life. Due to Mars in the 9th house for Gemini Ascendant, the native has to face some enemies, but later he gains victory over them.
For Gemini Ascendant, if Mars is in the tenth house, then the person is healthy and energetic but sometimes becomes a victim of general illness. Mars in the tenth house for Gemini ascendant brings maternal happiness and reduction in the management of land and building assets. For Gemini Ascendant, if there is Mars in the tenth house, then the person is successful in higher education. They have to face some problems regarding their children. The person is intelligent, hardworking, and influential. In return, his father helps and supports him in his business. When Mars is in the tenth house for a Gemini ascendant, the native works hard to be successful in his professional profession.
The native with Mars in the eleventh house for Gemini ascendant has some family problems and is unable to increase and accumulate wealth for the family. The native gets some wealth and happiness from his maternal grandfather. If there is Mars in the eleventh house for Gemini Ascendant, then the person achieves excellence in higher education. The native is different from his children in thought and behavior and gets less support from them. The native controls the enemies and gets huge profits and power from disputes and court cases. For Gemini Ascendant, if Mars is in the eleventh house, then the person is intelligent and hardworking.
If Mars is in the twelfth house for Gemini ascendant, then the person is courageous, but there are some problems in his house regarding younger brothers and sisters. If there is Mars in the 12th house for Gemini Ascendant, then the native does not get any help from his maternal uncle. For Gemini Ascendant when Mars is in 12th house, the native feels uneasiness in his wife’s house and has some sexual disorders. If there is Mars in the twelfth house for Gemini Ascendant, then there is some disease in the genitals of the person. Due to Mars in the 12th house for Gemini Ascendant, there are some weaknesses in the native, but he gets good benefits from influence and authority. The native is hardworking and earns enough money from foreign sources.
The native is courageous when Mars is in the 12th house for Gemini ascendant, but he has some problems in the house of his younger siblings. If there is Mars in the 12th house for Gemini Ascendant, the native does not get any help from his maternal uncle. If Mars is weak or suffering from Mars in the Gemini Ascendant, then it becomes necessary to take measures for it, and to know the solution one should Talk with Astrologer.
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