Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra – Ketu in Shravana

March 11, 2024

Due to Ketu in Shravan Nakshatra, people are very calm and composed while talking to others and giving advice. They can be very empathetic because they can sense what other people around them are feeling, and act accordingly. This planet is an enemy of Shravan Nakshatra, it is present under the friendly influence of Saturn, which makes this whole situation very neutral. Shravan Nakshatra shows the skill of these people in creating illusions. Ketu enhances this ability, as it is the factor of mental abilities, knowledge, and intelligence. People with Shravan Nakshatra are highly intelligent, and can easily adapt to any situation.

Furthermore, their intelligence is often redirected into real estate avenues, as this is what this constellation represents. Business matters, especially those related to housing and property, come very easily to them. At the other end of the Shravan Nakshatra, the Capricorn sign also brings the much-needed authority aspect to their personality. They are not so productive while working under some other body and want authority for themselves. Many people of Shravan Nakshatra are lonely, as relationships come and go with a nasty rift that leaves them emotionally damaged. Their partners have difficulty dealing with their authority issues, as they like to be in control all the time.

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra is good or bad  

In Shravan Nakshatra, Ketu is in the zodiac sign of Saturn and the constellation of Shatru Moon. Ketu in Shravan Nakshatra shows that the person may be naturally good at advising others as it is the Nakshatra of counseling/teaching. They may also be good at acting naturally or creating some kind of illusion. There Ketu increases the ability to create confusion on others. This is the constellation of real estate matters, so they can be very good at dealing with real estate matters. Ketu is still in Capricorn, so authority may come to them through counseling, guidance, and real estate-related matters. But there may still be issues with the government, the law, or people who try to be authoritative towards them.

Ketu itself represents separation, division, break-up, etc. The person may be feeling isolated in the relationship, either physically or mentally, or both. This will result in a tug of war where they may feel different when they are in a relationship but when they are alone, they may desire a relationship. Due to Ketu being elusive, there is a high possibility of betrayal in the relationship. This is the constellation of disguise or deception, hence there is a possibility of betrayal in the relationship. Relationship life can be challenging and one needs to make a lot of adjustments.

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 1

In this Pada, the person gets complete and saintly happiness from money and gems.

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 2

In this Pada, the person is going to be worried and sad due to having more than one daughter and is going to get married after having more children.

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 3

In this Pada, the condition of the native’s wife will be the reason why the native will be in Christopher’s grave and will face various scholars in his life.

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 4

In this Pada, the problems arising in the life of the natives lead to upheavals. The person faces threats to his life from his children and wife.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, Ketu located in Shravan is a powerful and transformative placement that brings opportunities for self-discovery, growth, and spiritual awareness. However, the best approach remains inner exploration – embracing confusion as an opportunity for inner growth because of the eternal focus on learning at every step in life’s journey. If you want to know more about Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra then talk to astrologers.

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