Ear Piercing Muhurat 2024 – Karnavedha Muhurat 2024

October 9, 2023

In Hinduism, an auspicious task is performed after the birth of a child. After taking advice from an experienced astrologer called ‘Karnavedha’. This phenomenon occurs after 28 days or after more than two months. Karan as we know means ear and Veda means piercing. Ear piercing adds color to a person’s personality.

It is believed that piercing the ear brings calmness and gets dislodge all harmful spirits in the future. The process is simple – make a hole in the ear and insert a bead made mainly of gold inside it. It is also known as Shodasha Sanskar in Sanskrit. Which means piercing the lower ear of the child. Kathukuthu is the Hindi version of the English version. Which is also known as Kathukuthu in English.

Importance of Ear Piercing

It is one of the auspicious events that occur after some time with medical and spiritual significance. It purifies and brings purity to the mind. At the same time, it gives way to sacred sounds. It brings one closer to spirituality and frees one from all kinds of forces that can harm one. There is a lot of importance in piercing the ears of Indians in India. As it brings balance to the planets, many problems can be avoided in the future. They are considered lucky for their partner in the future. The first ear to be pierced for a baby girl child is the left side ear. The first ear for a male is the appropriate ear to pierce. These traditions carry some beliefs which everyone trusts. Which helps to know more about their rituals. It is better for the betterment of the child. Remind them how important it is to have these rituals as they grow up. Communicate spirituality in them.

Benefits of Ear-Piercing Ceremony

Ear piercing is believed to cure ear problems like deafness and other ear problems. It improves emotional and physical health. This ceremony should be done at the right age as it confirms the child’s participation in all kinds of exercises and ensures proper brain development. It also maintains an excellent menstrual cycle. Energy flow remains a positive environment. It also helps with the constant chatter. A process that ensures that all negative energies are released and a person remains calm and happy.

When is Karnavedha Muhurta 2024?

Karnavedha is one of the 16 samskaras, the actual ceremony. This is done after the Sanskar of the child and is recommended to be done at a specific time that can help someone. If this Sanskar is not performed at the given time then the parents can perform it anywhere between the age of 3-6 years child. Ear piercing for girls is as important as nose piercing. People perform this ceremony in various ways. While Brahmins and Vaishyas do it with silver needles and Shudras do it with iron needles. It varies from community to community. The main agenda is to serve at a specified date and time. Due to this, the possibility of a defect in the future is reduced. It is believed that the earrings control the electric current within the body. Indian healers believe that ear piercing and earrings are considered part of intelligence.

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 January


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
4 January  Thursday Mrigashira 07.46 AM to 10.14 AM

11.41 AM to 04.37 PM

8 January  Monday Pushya

08.16 AM to 12.50 PM

02.25 PM to 6.36 PM

13 January  Saturday  Hasta 07.46 AM to 09.38 AM

11.06 AM to 04.01 PM

14 January  Sunday Chitra 07.46 AM to 09.34 AM
17 January  Wednesday Anuradha 07.46 AM to 12.15 PM

01.50 PM to 08.21 PM

18 January  Thursday  Jyeshtha 

10.46 AM to 01.46 PM

03.42 PM to 08.17 PM

22 January  Monday  Shravana 7.45 AM to 09.03 AM

10.30 AM to 03.26 PM

25 January  Thursday  Purva Bhadrapada 01.19 PM to 07.49 PM
26 January  Friday Uttara Bhadrapada 07.43 AM to 11.39 AM
31 January  Wednesday Rohini

07.41 AM to 08.27 AM

09.55 AM to 02.51 PM

05.05 PM to 07.25 PM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 February 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
1 February  Thursday Chitra 07.41 AM to 08.23 AM

09.51 AM to 02.47 PM

10 February  Saturday Dhanishtha 

07.35 AM to 07.48 AM

09.16 AM to 04.26 PM

14 February  Saturday Revati 07.32 AM to 10.25 AM

01.55 PM to 06.30 PM

15 February  Thursday Ashwini 07.31 AM to 10.21 AM
18 February  Sunday Rohini 

10.09 AM to 01.40 PM

03.54 PM to 06.15 PM

19 February  Monday Mrigashira  07.28 AM to 08.40 AM

10.05 AM to 11.40 AM

21 February  Wednesday Punarvasu

07.26 AM to 09.57 AM 

11.32 AM to 06.03 PM

22 February  Thursday Pushya

07.25 AM to 09.53 AM

11.28 AM to 03.39 PM

29 February  Thursday Chitra

07.18 AM to 08.01 AM

09.26 AM to 11.01 AM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 March 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
3 March Sunday Anuradha  07.15 AM to 09.14 AM

10.49 AM to 07.20 PM

7 March Thursday  Uttarasadha 02.44 PM to 07.21 PM
8 March Friday  Shravana 07.29 AM to 12.25 PM

02.40 PM to 09.17 PM

25 March Monday  Uttara Phalguni 01.33 PM to 06.10 PM
27 March Wednesday  Chitra 

07.40 AM to 01.25 PM

03.45 PM to 06.03 PM

30 March Saturday  Anuradha

09.03 AM to 03.34 PM

05.51 PM to 08.07 PM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 April 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
4 April Thursday Shravana  05.31 AM to 07.47 PM
5 April Friday Dhanishtha

07.42 AM to 12.50 PM

03.10 PM to 06.36 PM

13 April Saturday  Mrigashira 06.33 AM to 10.04 AM

12.18 PM to 07.12 PM

15 April Monday  Punarvasu 06.26 AM to 12.10 PM
26 April Friday  Anuradha

07.17 AM to 01.47 PM

04.05 PM to 06.21 PM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 May 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
1 May  Wednesday Shravana 06.57 AM to 08.53 AM 

11.07 AM to 06.01 PM

6 May  Monday Revati 06.08 AM to 01.08 PM
10 May  Friday Rohini 12.52 AM to 07.26 PM 
12 May  Sunday  Ardra 12.44 AM to 07.38 PM
13 May  Monday Punarvasu 06.10 AM to 12.41 PM

02.58 PM to 07.34 PM

19 May  Sunday Hasta 02.34 PM to 04.51 PM
20 May  Monday  Chitra 09.53 AM to 04.47 PM
23 May  Thursday Vishakha  02.19 PM to 06.54 PM
24 May  Friday  Anuradha 07.22 AM to 11.57 AM
29 May  Wednesday Shravana 09.07 AM to 06.11 PM
30 May  Thursday  Dhanishtha

06.59 AM to 9.13 AM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 June 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
2 June Sunday Revati 06.47 AM to 11.22 AM

01.39 PM to 06.15 PM

3 June Monday  Ashwini

07.30 AM to 01.35 PM

03.52 PM to 06.11 PM

7 June Friday  Mrigashira  11.02 AM to 07.55 PM
9 June Sunday  Punarvasu

06.09 AM to 8.34 AM

10.54 AM to 05.48 PM

10 June Monday  Pushya 05.44 PM to 08.02 PM
16 June Sunday Hasta

08.07 AM to 3 PM

05.20 PM to 07.39 PM

17 June Monday Chitra  05.54 AM 08.03 AM

10.23 AM to 02.57 PM

20 June Thursday  Anuradha  05.55 AM to 10.11 AM
26 June Wednesday  Dhanishtha  09.48 AM to 02.21 PM
29 June Saturday  Uttara Bhadrapada  11.53 AM to 06.29 PM
30 June Sunday  Revati

02.05 PM to 06.44 PM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 July 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
6 July  Saturday Punarvasu  09.08 AM to 04.01 PM
7 July  Sunday  Pushya  06.44 AM to 09.04 AM
12 July  Friday  Uttara Phalguni  05.56 PM to 07.08 PM
13 July  Saturday Hasta 

06.20 AM to 01.14 PM

03.34 PM to 05.52 PM

14 July  Sunday  Chitra  04.44 AM to 03.30 PM

05.48 PM to 07.52 PM

17 July  Wednesday  Anuradha  07.33 AM to 8.25 AM
22 July  Monday Shravana  06.08 AM to 12.39 PM

02.58 PM to 06.27 PM

27 July  Saturday  Revati 12.19 PM to 07.01 PM
28 July  Sunday  Ashwini

07.42 AM to 9 AM

12.15 PM to 02.35 PM

31 July  Wednesday  Rohini

02.23 PM to 06.46 PM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 August 


Day  Nakshatra  Time 
1 August  Thursday Mrigashira  07.26 AM to 12 Noon
2 August  Friday Ardra 11.56 AM to 02.15 PM
9 August  Friday  Hasta  06.55 AM to 11.28 AM

01.48 PM to 06.10 PM

10 August  Saturday Chitra 

06.51 AM to 11.24 AM

01.44 PM to 06.06 PM

14 August  Wednesday Anuradha  11.09 AM to 01.28 PM
19 August  Monday  Shravana 03.27 PM to 07.13 PM
23 August  Friday Revati 12.53 PM to 03.11 PM

05.15 PM to 06.57 PM

24 August  Saturday  Ashwini

06.38 AM to 08.13 AM

10.29 AM to 05.11 PM

28 August  Wednesday Mrigashira  06.28 AM to 12.33 PM
30 August  Friday  Punarvasu

06.29 AM to 02.44 PM

04.48 PM to 06.16 PM

31 August  Saturday Pushya

07.45 AM to 02.40 PM

04.44 PM to 06.07 PM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 September 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
5 September Thursday Uttara Phalguni

07.26 AM to 9.42 AM

12.02 PM to 06.06 PM

6 September Friday  Hasta

07.22 AM to 9.38 AM

11.58 AM to 04.20 PM

15 September Sunday Shravana 

06.46 AM to 09.03 AM

11.22 AM to 05.22 PM

16 September Monday Dhanishtha 

06.42 AM to 11.18 AM

01.37 PM to 03.41 PM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 October 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
3 October Thursday Hasta 

06.46 AM to 07.52 AM

10.11 AM to 04.16 PM

06.44 PM to 07.09 PM

4 October Friday Chitra  06.47 AM to 10.08 AM

12.26 PM to 06.40 PM

7 October Monday  Anuradha  02.18 PM to 06.53 PM
12 October Saturday  Shravana  11.55 AM to 05.41 PM

05.08 PM to 06.33 PM

13 October Sunday  Dhanishtha  09.32 AM to 03.37 PM
17 October Thursday  Revati 07.18 AM to 11.35 AM

01.39 PM to 06.14 PM

18 October Friday  Ashwini 06.55 AM to 01.35 PM
21 October Monday  Rohini

09.01 AM to 03.05 PM

04.33 PM to 04.44 PM

23 October Wednesday  Punarvasu  02.58 PM to 04.25 PM

05.50 PM to 07.25 PM

24 October Thursday  Pushya 

06.59 AM to 11.07 AM

01.35 PM to 05.46 PM

30 October Wednesday  Hasta

08.25 AM to 02.30 PM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 November 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
3 November Sunday Anuradha  07.06 AM to 10.28 AM

12.32 PM to 05.07 PM

4 November Monday  Anuradha  07.07 AM to 10.24 AM
8 November Friday  Uttarasadha 03.22 PM to 06.22 PM
9 November Saturday Shravana 12.09 PM to 01.51 PM

03.18 PM to 06.18 PM

13 November Wednesday Revati 

07.30 AM to 09.49 AM

11.53 AM to 06.07 PM

06.03 PM to 07.58 PM

14 November Thursday Ashwini 07.26 AM to 11.49 AM
20 November Wednesday Punarvasu

11.25 AM to 4 PM

05.35 PM to 07.31 PM

21 November Thursday Pushya 

07.20 AM to 09.17 AM

11.21 AM to 03.56 PM

27 November Wednesday  Chitra 

07.25 AM to 12.40 PM

02.07 PM to 06.37 PM

Karnavedha Muhurat 2024 December 


Day  Nakshatra  Time
1 December Sunday  Anuradha  12.24 PM to 03.17 PM
6 December Friday  Shravana

07.32 AM to 12.05 PM

01.32 PM to 06.28 PM

7 December Saturday  Dhanishtha 8.14 AM to 12.05 PM

02.53 PM to 06.24 PM

11 December Wednesday  Revati

07.35 AM to 07.59 AM

10.03 AM to 04.03 PM

12 December Thursday  Ashwini 07.36 AM to 09.59 AM
15 December Sunday Mrigashira 

07.43 AM to 11.29 AM

12.57 PM to 08.07 PM

23 December Monday  Uttara Phalguni  12.25 PM to 05.21 PM
25 December Wednesday  Chitra  07.43 AM to 10.50 AM 
28 December Saturday  Anuradha 

08.56 AM to 01.31 PM

03.06 PM to 07.16 PM

Wrapping Up

Karnavedha should be done on a specific date, day, and month. When the planet Jupiter is available in Taurus, Libra, and Pisces then the period is considered auspicious. Hindu months like Chaitra, Kartik, Aalishana, and Phalgun are considered auspicious for this ceremony. They should not do it during any eclipse. This can be done on Chaturthi, Navami, and Amavasya. The most favorable days are Thursday, Monday, and Saturday. Through Astrology phone consultation, you can perform Karnavedha Muhurta at an auspicious time and auspicious time under the guidance of expert astrologers, so whenever you perform Karnavedha Sanskar for children, do it at an auspicious time only.

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