Is Astrology Science?

June 12, 2023

Where science ends, astrology begins from there, it is a Vedic science. Astrology does not lead people towards superstition but makes people aware. Astrology is the science of time, in which information about future events is given by studying these five things: Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karma. It does not recognize any caste or religion. Even the God of Vedas does not work without astrology.

Vedas have six parts, and the sixth part is astrology. Based on what we did in the previous birth and what we are doing in the present, what can be the result in the future, information is given. Everything is governed by the planets. This is how the seasons are also made. When the sun moved away from the earth, the cold season came and when it came closer, the heat increased.

Surya is seated in the form of a soul, it has got the place of the father in the family. Similarly, Moon resides in the mind, it has the status of a mother in the family. That’s why the person who has received the blessings of his parents, understands that he has received the blessings of the Sun and the Moon.

Mars is the energy of the body, if there is enough energy in the body, then your activity will be visible, understand, the person who does not have jealousy in his mind, his Mercury is strong, he is blessed by Mercury.

Similarly, Shukra is present in the family as a wife and in the body as sperm. The person whose nervous system is weak, nerves are weak, there is pain in the spine, understand that Shani Dev’s wrath is on him.

Astrology is our ancient physics and science. Understanding its importance, it has been counted among the six Vedangas. Predictions made by experts based on this have often proved to be true.

Its practice has been in some form or the other in almost all ancient civilizations-cultures. It is a subject of specific knowledge which studies, researches, guesses, observations, calculations, and observations through many methods to determine the position and condition of various planets-satellites. Assesses the effects of motion on the earth and our lives.

All things in the universe are dynamic and affect each other, this is a scientific truth. This was experienced by our sages. Therefore, without studying and understanding astrology, it can neither be trusted blindly nor can it be denied. Nothing is achieved without enterprise, but making efforts at the right time and direction increases the possibility of success. can increase.

Astrology is an ancient science. This is a kind of subtle science that is quite diverse and very detailed. It is a technique by which the future can be known. Apart from astrology, there is no other such medium in the world.

Astrology is a separate subject. Astrology should be kept separate from science. Even if you want to compare astrology and science, it is not possible. Astrology is very developed and more detailed. For example, if a person has to see what could be the problems in his body. This is not possible in medicine, because medical people can tell only when the disease has already happened. Now talking about astrology, through astrology, it can be told years in advance about the physical and mental health of a person that such diseases or problems will occur at this age.

Wrapping Up

Astrology is a science that deals with the relationship between celestial bodies and human events. It tries to find the interrelationship between the universe and man. Astrology is a science that is related to our religion and Vedas whereas science is the branch of research of the modern world. Astrology is a very powerful energy. Its wrong use causes a lot of damage. Apart from this, if all the people get connected with astrology, then the problems will be handled to a great extent. If you need more information about astrology then go for an Astrology phone consultation.

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