September 19, 2024
The Cancer father can indulge his daughter and tolerate her endless mischief and disobedience only up to a certain moment, and then he becomes tough and starts yelling. That is, he is too soft, too harsh, and does not always control his words and emotions. A daughter in such a family does not always know what will happen in the next moment and what kind of consequences you should expect for your steps. If a Cancer father hides his feelings, the daughter will not be able to understand him at all. A wall of misunderstanding will develop between them that can separate them for years, making them indifferent to each other. To prevent this from happening, Cancer fathers need to share their feelings and experiences with their daughters and ask their daughters about their experiences.
Cancer is a very kind and caring father, but he also has storms in his life. When his emotions come out, he can take it out on the daughter, proving who is the boss of the house. The Cancer father expects obedience from everyone, although he can spoil a trip out of town for the family, returning home halfway. Aries daughters do not always know how to sympathize with others, or how to react to someone’s bad mood, so when conflicts arise, the father sees that his daughter is indifferent to his difficulties. The Aries daughter may feel that her free and easy worldview is under threat. The Cancer father is happy to give the daughter as much as possible and is willing to pay for all her new hobbies. He would like to hear words of gratitude at least sometimes! The Aries daughter is too willful and independent to follow set rules of etiquette, and her father’s efforts to teach her good manners will likely lead to more than one noisy scene.
The Cancer father is devoted to his daughter and is ready to make any sacrifice for her future. He agrees to take her to dancing or music lessons, checking that he hasn’t left anything out. He will always try to listen carefully to his daughter. It is difficult for a carefree Taurus daughter to understand her father if one of his moods is suddenly replaced by another. Sometimes the father wants to show that he holds the reins firmly in his hands and expects the Taurus daughter to obey him without discussion or objection.
Cancer dad likes his restless daughter, Gemini, and wants to keep her energy to himself. He even envies her impetuousness, but he wouldn’t exchange his stable happiness for daughter Gemini’s lifestyle. If they had decided that their Gemini daughter would be like them – a homebody, emotional, sensitive, paying tribute to traditions and family ties, they would have made a big mistake. The father does not always know how to deal with his moods, and sometimes he is overwhelmed with emotions that are difficult to understand and explain. He may break down or express his displeasure, which Gemini does not like. In addition, the father will try to establish strict rules for the child, which he will inevitably violate! But daughter Mithun, with her charm, knows how to bring her father out of his bad mood.
The Cancer father is happy that his daughter is not noisy or overconfident like many other daughters. He likes the thoughtfulness of his daughter Cancer, and he understands her desire to know what to fear. The father loves the fact that his daughter loves the house he has so diligently built! He is happy to do everything to give his Cancer daughter a good start in life and devotes a lot of time to expanding her horizons, interests, and education. He is happy that his daughter also has a sense of nostalgia. They both love looking at old photos, and both share a longing for an idealized past.
Cancer struggles to be a good father. He is willing to make sacrifices to ensure that his daughter Leo gets only the best of everything, and who appreciates quality, is happy with this. The father is ready to help his daughter and even take her to school and football matches so she can do it all. Poor Dad doesn’t have Leo’s energy, so he’ll burn out eventually. And when the father gets tired he becomes irritable. Cancer father is a very emotional person, but he likes to hide it. He suppresses his emotions because he is unable to face them, but they come out again in the form of bad mood and angry comments. He believes that everyone should take it as they are, and at the same time pretend to be rulers. A Leo daughter can criticize all these moods of her father and can express it to his face. There may be clashes between them, especially if the daughter of Leo asserts her rights, and someday that will happen. Probably, the Cancer dad won’t be able to stop her, unless he finds a special way to get respect from his Leo daughter.
These two are so keen on any business, whether planting trees in the garden or building a boat, that they can forget about breakfast until Father reminds them that it is time to eat. Sometimes they become too absorbed in work, and it is good if someone hints to them in time that there is still rest and entertainment in life. Makes the Cancer father and the Virgo daughter a bit boring, even if they get a kind of pleasure out of it themselves. The Cancer father diligently earns money because he wants his daughter to have everything she needs, from the opportunity to swim in the pool to a comfortable home. This is especially important for the Virgo daughter, as she needs well-being more than others.
The Cancer father is much more sensitive and emotional than his logically conceived daughter, Libra. The Cancer father tries his best to hide it, keeps a stern look, and even starts speaking in a commanding tone, trying to appear strict. I must say that harshness, if it is justified, does not harm the Libra daughter. Daughter Libra gets help in asserting herself by revealing her character. The daughter must learn to make decisions, and try to be more sensible and less lazy, although it sounds very tempting! The Cancer father must be fair and consistent. He can ignore the bad behavior of his daughter Libra for a long time. It may explode, especially if angered by something. The daughter does not want to upset her father and will try to do what she hopes will make him happy.
The emotional Cancer father sometimes seems cold, but only outwardly, like his Scorpio daughter. Daughter Scorpio can wear a mask of cold concentration for a long time, but in the end, her emotions break out, and Father Cancer’s reaction to this outburst is always unpredictable. And he needs to understand that there is a need for strictness and consistency here. It is discipline that will help the Scorpio daughter feel secure and not allow her to become too bossy. The Scorpio daughter should not doubt her father’s abilities, otherwise he will soon learn to twist the rope from him! A critical situation can be resolved quite simply.
No matter how much the Cancer dad loves his Sagittarius daughter, he believes that this daughter could be calmer. If he starts something or the other all the time and his mood is unpredictable, how can you keep an eye on him? The Sagittarius daughter also believes that this father’s character is “inconvenient” because he doesn’t like people around him to spoil her mood with their emotions. He wants to feel free: nothing should stop him from playing, running, and having fun! Cancer is unlikely to be the kind of gay father a Sagittarius daughter would like to have, although he will certainly try to give his daughter everything he can.
A sensitive Cancer father is much more emotional than a Capricorn daughter and often depends on her mood. A balanced daughter Capricorn doesn’t understand this. He likes people who act logically and predictably because of their composure and even coldness. This behavior makes him feel more secure. In addition, the father loves to command, and for an unbalanced character, this is not the best option. In the Capricorn daughter, this can lead to stubborn stubbornness, especially if she believes her Cancer father’s demands are unfair in some way. Cancer father is such a caring and understanding father that you can forgive him a lot for this alone! He is ready to take his daughter to any class or game and help her prepare for the lessons.
Daddy Cancer is glad to help the daughter Aquarius, that this time she is interested, and will try to think of something else for him. The daughter has such an inquisitive mind! But in return, this father would like to receive at least some gratitude, which Aquarius probably would not think about. He lives in his imaginary world, is often scattered, and is generally not very affectionate. One day the Cancer father will realize that the daughter cannot be called upon to discipline him. If the Aquarius daughter is sure she is right, she will argue, stomp her foot, and continue to do everything her way. Cancer can erupt violently if the father’s violent emotions take over, so Daughter Aquarius never knows in advance what to expect from her parents. There are often ups and downs in the Cancer father’s mood. Usually, the Aquarius daughter reacts positively to this.
Be careful Cancer father will try to extract all the creative abilities from your daughter. He is happy if the daughter wants to paint and as soon as she asks for a musical instrument, he will buy it for her. Dad will take her to the pool – they both love water. He will generally support all her interests, but let him see that the daughter does not abuse her kind character! The daughter loves to be surrounded by care and attention, but she must learn to trust herself. Unfortunately, both are too emotional to do without confrontation. Both cannot stand it when they are under pressure, and Papa-Cancer can turn into a strict father who wants to establish his authority. If he still starts screaming, the poor daughter usually loses all confidence.
When the daughter grows up, the Cancer father limits her freedom because of his excessive concern. In addition, the Cancer father, due to his rich imagination, may be mistaken in assessing his daughter’s abilities. Therefore, they can inspire him with the idea of his talent. Great disappointments and even tragedy await this daughter in her life. To prevent this from happening, the Cancer father should test his daughter. If you want to know more about the compatibility of Cancer Dad and Daughter, take an online astrology consultation.
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