Astrology Chart – Types of Astrology Chart

June 12, 2023

Astrology is the study of the influence of planetary movements in the sky on the lives of human beings and other worldly affairs. It is based on astronomical data, which is the exact position of the planets at any given time and at any place in the zodiacal sky. Based on this data, astrologers draw charts and analyze various positions related to various aspects of one’s life. Astrology has been practiced all over the world since ancient times. In spite of modern scientific awareness, astrology is good for the educated population across the world, irrespective of caste and creed.

Indian astrology is probably one of the oldest such systems of astrological study. But it differs substantially from its Western counterparts. Indian astrology charts are prepared using the date, time, and place of an individual to create the birth chart of that individual. Then the chart is studied for various aspects like family, children, marriage, career, finance, diseases, death, etc.

Of all the astrological methods, Indian astrology or Vedic astrology is said to be more accurate and authentic as per the facts and rules developed from time to time by the ancient seers and rishis based in the Indian subcontinent. Indian astrology is also called Jyotish or Hindu astrology.

Mandal Chart

Mandal charts provide detail and specificity in the depiction of planetary influences. Astrology accepts departmental appointments only by signature. Each Mandal chart has a specific use and focuses on particular areas of life.

Hora Kundli Hora Kundli is another divisional horoscope. It gives the solar or lunar positions of the planets and does not give them the positions that are indicated like other Mandal charts. The first half of the odd zodiac signs are ruled by the Sun, and the second by the Moon. The Moon also rules the first half of the signs; The second part is by the Sun. The planets of the solar system give and initiate greater dependence on the power within. Lunar divisions give greater dependence on planetary social influences, family, and the past. Hora charts are often given influence and are related to wealth.

Sinful planets (Sun, Mars, Guru) are sacrificed in the Sun’s Hora. The planets of female nature (Moon, Venus, Saturn) are strong in the Moon’s Hora. When the lord of the 2nd house is situated in its proper Hora, it gives better results for the affairs of the 2nd house.

Drekkana Chart

The Drekkana chart is a third divisional chart. The first third of any zodiac is ruled by the zodiac itself. The middle third is governed by the subsequent sign of the same element. The last third is governed by the last sign of the same element. Trekkana 3rd house shows brothers, sisters, friends, and alliances. It refers to our ability to work in a group to achieve a particular goal. It shows energy, curiosity, courage, and skill. The position of the lord of the third house in the birth chart, along with Drekkana, Mars should also be examined.

The position of the lord of Dreshkana Lagna should be checked in the birth chart. This is important for determining the cases of siblings. Dreshkana is also useful for correcting the position of the Sun, Moon, and Lagna. When many planets are situated in the same sign as the native, we can differentiate their functions based on their decay status.

Navamsa Chart or D9 Chart

Navamsa is the main divisional chart and like the birth chart, all areas of life are examined. Some astrologers consider the Rashi chart to be a summary of the full potential of karma and navamsa to represent the matured karma for the current incarnation. A weak Navamsha but strong Rashi chart shows strong potential but difficulties in expression. Each Rashi is divided into nine equal parts of 03 degrees and 20 minutes each. The first ninth of a zodiac is ruled by the dominant sign of that element, followed by the remaining zodiac signs through the zodiac. Navamsa shows us the relationship between the birth chart and the Nakshatras. Each Navamsha sign corresponds to one-quarter of a Nakshatra. Navamsa refers to marriage and partner and relationships in general. A comparison of the Navamsa charts of couples can give an insight into their religious and spiritual compatibility. Navamsa means the ninth house, which is related to religion, and spiritual inspiration.

Importance of Mandal Twelfth Chart

Dwadashansha, the twelfth Mandal chart is the last karmic chart. It traditionally indicates parents but usually stands for past conditioning. It can be used as a birth chart of the last incarnation. It indicates what the soul brings with it in this life. It reflects the karmic cause of our particular character and destiny in life.

Wrapping Up

When faced with important life decisions many people use their horoscopes for guidance and to avoid making wrong choices. A horoscope, also known as a birth chart, birth chart, birth chart, birth house position, or birth chart, is an astrological (Vedic astrology) chart of the 12 houses that accurately predicts one’s date of birth. It is based on date/time and location. If you want more information about the types of astrology charts, then take online astrology consultation.

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