June 12, 2023
Astrology is the theory that the specific positions of the stars and the way the planets move around the solar system influence the lives, events, and behavior of human beings. However, did you know that there are types of astrology? In modern times, there are about 12 different types of astrology practiced excluding historical traditions. In fact, nearly every culture on the planet has practiced some form of astrology for centuries. For example, the Aztecs and Incas in America had astrology; There is also Egyptian astrology, the Celtics, and then Mayan astrology among many others.
When it comes to the types of astrology used today, there are three major forms: Western, Vedic, and Chinese. Within each is additional specific astrology types. Let’s take a closer look so you have a better idea of which one might be best for you to try during your next psychic reading.
Western astrology and Chinese astrology are somewhat similar in that both systems are based on the date and time of birth, with 12 symbols or signs used to communicate a specific meaning. However, there are differences that make each exercise unique.
Western astrology was conceived by the Greeks and Babylonians about 2,000 to 3,000 years ago. He believed that since the Sun is the center of the Solar System, the relationship of the Earth with the Sun is of utmost importance. It is the tropical zodiac that actually measures the Sun’s proximity to Earth’s Tropics – the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
The 12 western signs are ram, ox, twins, crab, lion, Maiden, scales, scorpion, Archer, goat, the water bearer, and fish.
The 12 signs (one for each month of the year) are based on the position of the constellations relative to Earth – note that the constellations were named after Greek mythology. It is believed that those born in the same month have similar characteristics. So, for example, people born under the sign of Pisces love being alone, sleeping, music, romance, and spiritual subjects, but hate criticism, cruelty of any kind, and people who know it all.
The Western astrological calendar is like a normal calendar year based on the Earth’s orbit around the Sun – which acts as a catalyst for celestial alignment.
The western zodiac signs are also known as the sun signs. The vernal equinox (the beginning of spring which occurs on or around March 22 each year) occurs when day and night are equal to one day. Astrologically speaking, this is the perfect start to a new year. It was a Roman emperor who started the calendar year on January 1st but this has nothing to do with astrology in any way. Regardless, Western astrology rules that the first sign, Aries, begins around the spring equinox, with the other signs progressing in succession.
Apart from constellations, planets also play a big role in Western astrology. They are believed to symbolize rudimentary motivations in the human psyche. While the Western system also uses two Moon nodes (the North or Ascending Node and the South or Descending Node), the planets are still considered more influential.
If you’ve ever been to a Chinese restaurant that had the Chinese zodiac sign on its placemats, you already know a little bit about how their astrological system works. Let’s take a look at what defines Chinese astrology so that you can see the similarities (and differences) with Western astrology.
As with Western astrology, there are 12 signs within the Chinese astrology system: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
The 12 signs were born from a myth that holds that when the gods were making a calendar, all beings on earth were called to participate in a race. The first 12 to cross the finish line were assigned signs within the Chinese zodiac system.
Each animal of the zodiac was assigned to a specific month on the Chinese solar calendar, meaning that each sign/animal corresponded to two of the 24 solar terms for a time period.
Unlike in Western astrology, where you have the same qualities as people born in the same month, in Chinese astrology, you have the same qualities/characteristics as people born under certain birth years – Not just yours.
In addition to birth year, there are three other key pillars in Chinese astrology that determine your destiny: birth year, birth month, birth date, and birth time. Chinese astrology is heavily influenced by the phase of the moon at the time of your birth. The four lunar phases are the new moon, waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon. Each stage is associated with a specific personality trait. For example, new moon people tend to live in isolated environments, rising moon people are hardworking, full moon people are diplomatic, and waning moon people crave peaceful environments.
The Chinese astrology system includes five different elements (each linked to a birth year), two of which differ from Western astrology – although each is linked to stronger forces in your life, much like Western philosophy. For example, fire signs are drawn to excitement, earth signs seek security, metal signs tend to stabilize, and water signs are susceptible to emotional bonds, and explore under the element of wood. Want to let’s, love
Vedic astrology (aka “astrology”), literally means “the science of light.” Vedic science comes from the Vedas, one of the oldest spiritual texts in India, dating back to around 1,500–2,000 BCE. Vedic astrologers are very famous not only for their spiritual knowledge but also for their ability to make amazing predictions. Here’s a closer look at Vedic practice as it differs greatly from Western and Chinese astrology.
According to Vedic astrology, the planets are considered to be the actions of the soul. In fact, karma is the central theme of Vedic astrology as it can have good or bad consequences depending on our past lives.
As mentioned, karma can have negative and positive connotations, however, the good news is that planets can help balance the movement of karma, which includes alleviating suffering and helping through difficult times. So that development can happen.
It is not uncommon for Vedic astrology to incorporate medicine, gemstones, affirmations, yoga, and Ayurvedic medicine based on a specific planet – it is helpful to consult a Vedic chart for accuracy before attempting one of these practices as the wrong gemstone Maybe, for example, do more harm than good.
As mentioned, Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac but Vedic astrology uses the nakshatra zodiac – nakshatra means “pertaining to the stars.” The Nakshatra system is based on the association of the planets with the constellations of the zodiac stars. With respect to Earth, these fixed stars rotate, or slowly move backward, about one degree every 72 years.
Unlike other forms of astrology, Vedic practice does not consider the relationship between the Earth and the Sun to be exact when it comes to measuring the signs. This is due to the precession of the equinoxes, which basically means that every 72 years, the signs must move back one day to remain in proper astronomical position.
Astrology is used to identify the behavior of planets. Through various methods, the position of any planet, its effect, or its power is calculated. These methods are generally known as types of astrology. Vedic astrology also known as Indian astrology is the oldest form of astrology in the world. Astrology is used more in western countries. There are a total of 12 zodiac signs according to the position of the Sun. This is known as Celtic Tree Astrology. In this, the help of trees is taken. It is based on the time of birth of a person, which is considered to be the core of a person’s nature. Talk to astrologers to know more about the type of astrology.
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