Panchak 2024

October 9, 2023

In Hindu culture, there is a law to see auspicious time before doing every work, auspicious time is seen to do any work, then Panchak is also considered. There is a state of fear and confusion in the minds of the people regarding Panchak, when any inauspicious work is done, Panchak is considered, because it is believed that the fruit of the work done in Panchak time increases five times.

Panchak means – five, Panchak is determined on the basis of the moon. When the Moon transits from Aquarius to Pisces, this phase is called Panchak, during this phase, the Moon passes through five signs. These are the latter part of Dhanishta Nakshatra, Shatabhisha Nakshatra, Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, and Revati Nakshatra. Many scholars consider the whole part of Dhanishta Nakshatra as Panchak and some consider half of it as Panchak. No auspicious work should be done during the time of Panchak. During this time the work done increased five times.

Five types of Panchak are formed on the basis of the degree of the Sun. These are – Disease, Agni, Nrip, Thief, and Death. Yagyopaveet is not performed in Rog Bandh, construction of house or housewarming is not done in Agni Bandh, the job is prohibited in Nrip Bandh, travel is prohibited in Chor Bandh, and marriage is prohibited in Death Bandh.

What are Panchak and why are they Considered Inauspicious?

The meaning of Panchak Nakshatra is to have five frequencies, under which any work is to be done in this Nakshatra, then its fruit is obtained five times. Panchak is not considered auspicious in astrological knowledge, Panchak Nakshatra is formed by the combination of inauspicious and harmful constellations. The special yoga formed by the meeting of many constellations is called Panchak. When the moon stays in Aquarius and Pisces, then that time is called Panchak. Five constellations come under Panchak, which are called Panchak constellations, they are Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati. Auspicious and special works are not done under Panchak Nakshatra. There are 27 constellations in the constellation cycle, in which Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati, the last five constellations are considered contaminated. Each Nakshatra is divided into four stages, in which there is one Nakshatra every day, so Panchak Nakshatra remains for five days due to having five Nakshatras from Dhanishta to Revati.

The above tasks may get delayed during Panchak. According to Rajamartand traveling in the south direction during Dhanishta Nakshatra, building a roof, collecting fuel, or making a cot can lead to pyromania. Doing these things during Shatabhisha Nakshatra leads to quarrels. Doing these in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra can cause disease, punishment in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, and loss of money if done in Revati Nakshatra.

Panchak Nakshatra Effects

  • There is fear of fire in the first constellation of Panchak Nakshatra, Dhanishtha.

  • In Shatabhisha, the second constellation of Panchak, there are possibilities of discord between family or people.

  • The third Nakshatra of Panchak is Purva Bhadrapada Rogkaraka Nakshatra.

  • Punishment is received in the form of money in Uttara Bhadrapada in the fourth Nakshatra of Panchak.

  • There is a possibility of a loss of money in Revati, the fifth constellation of Panchak.

  • Auspicious and inauspicious work of Panchak Nakshatra

  • During Panchak, when there is a danger of fire in Dhanishtha Nakshatra, at that time fuel items like wood, grass, sticks, kerosene, etc. should not be collected.

  • The death of a person in Panchak Nakshatra and the cremation of the dead body leads to the death and occurrence of five people in that family or close ones.

  • Traveling in the south direction during Panchak Nakshatra is considered inauspicious, as it is believed to be the direction of Yama.

  • The roof of the house should not be built in Revati Nakshatra during Panchak Nakshatra, scholars believe that it causes loss of money and troubles in the house.

  • Making a bed or buying a bed in Panchak Nakshatra is also considered to invoke great trouble.

Types of Panchak

When Panchak Nakshatra begins on a Sunday, it is called Rog Panchak, its effect causes physical and mental problems.

When Panchak Nakshatra starts on Monday, it is called Raj Panchak, its result is considered auspicious, as a result of which success is achieved in government jobs and property-related matters.

Panchak Nakshatra starting from Tuesday is not considered auspicious, there is a fear of fire under it, and construction work and purchase of tools and machinery should not be done, but there is a possibility of success in court-related matters.

Panchak Nakshatra starting from Wednesday is not going to give inauspicious results, prohibition should not be done under this Nakshatra.

Panchak Nakshatra starting from Thursday is the one that gives normal results. It is not inauspicious, in this constellation all works can be done except prohibited works.

Panchak starting from Friday is called Chor Panchak, there is a possibility of loss of money in this Nakshatra. That’s why money-related work and travel should not be done.

Panchak starting from Saturday is more fatal, it is also called Mrityu Panchak. In this constellation, a person has to face problems like death, on this day no harmful work should be done, due to which there is a possibility of injury, accident, and death.

Panchak January 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
13 January  Saturday 11:35 PM  18 January Thursday  3:33 AM

Panchak February 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
10 February Saturday 10:20 AM 14 February  Wednesday  10:43 AM

Panchak March 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
8 March Friday  09:20 PM  12 March  Tuesday 08:29 PM 

Panchak April 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
5 April Friday 07:12 AM  9 April  Tuesday 07:32 AM

Panchak May 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
2 May Thursday 02:32 PM 6 May Monday 05:43 PM

Panchak June 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
26 June  Wednesday  01:49 AM 30 June Sunday 07:34 AM

Panchak July 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
23 July Tuesday 09:20 AM 27 July Saturday  01:00 PM

Panchak August 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
19 August  Monday  07:00 PM 23 August  Friday 07:54 PM

Panchak September 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
16 September Monday  05:44 AM  20 September Friday 05:15 AM

Panchak October 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
13 October Sunday  03:44 PM 17 October Thursday 04:20 PM

Panchak November 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
9 November Saturday 11:27 PM 14 November Thursday 03:11 AM

Panchak December 2024

Panchak Start Time 

Panchak End Time
Date  Day Time  Date  Day  Time 
7 December Saturday 05:07 AM  11 December Wednesday 11:48 AM

Wrapping Up 

Everyone is afraid of Panchak, so the true facts should be known. According to Indian mythology, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about Panchak Kaal. Panchak means the group of five. According to astrology, Panchak is the time period when the Moon affects Aquarius and Pisces and everyone has their own ideas about this time period. That’s why there are so many myths about Panchak. Panchak is mainly a group of five Nakshatras and these five Nakshatras are Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati. This time period is called an inauspicious time for auspicious works. It is believed that no one gets any benefit for every good work done during this Panchak period. Another name for this is the unfortunate period. Through Astrology phone consultation, you can know in detail the timing and day of Panchak in 2024.

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