Mars Conjunct Rahu

December 7, 2023

When Rahu plays a major role in a Mars and Rahu conjunction, it indicates that the person may be of impulsive, aggressive nature and his mental stature may be scheming to interact with others.

The Mars Conjunct Rahu will cast a veil of confusion in front of your perception where you will have problems in relationships with your loved ones with less progress in professional life and more confusion about gains in professional life.

This conjunction causes rigidity, irritability, and stubbornness in you, which will not be flexibly deployed towards any situation but will be more focused on leading others with its opinions.

Mars and Rahu in 1st house

Mars and Rahu conjunction in the first house gives you an arrogant character regarding your material achievements in life, and an aggressive and dominating nature in personal relationships. Due to the conjunction of Mars and Rahu in the first house, the person may have many love affairs which may end at inopportune times.

Mars and Rahu in 2nd house

Mars and Rahu conjunction in the second house shows that Mars can cause financial losses, while Rahu can give sudden financial gains, hence the conjunction of both the planets in this house can have auspicious and inauspicious aspects. Generally, people who have this type of planetary combination in their horoscope gain weight easily, undergo surgeries, experience accidents, and have high blood pressure.

Mars and Rahu in 3rd house

Mars and Rahu conjunction in the third house may bless you with bold courage and initiative to make bold efforts to achieve success in life, which may be positive and negative depending on its position in the horoscope. Due to the conjunction of Mars and Rahu in the third house, the natives get the benefit of escaping from legal matters and police custody. In case of financial penalty and installments.

Mars and Rahu in 4th house

Mars and Rahu conjunction in the fourth house may create problems regarding peace and prosperity in domestic matters and your relations with your mother will not be good and you may disrespect her. Moreover, such people suffer from sudden weight gain and stomach-related problems like gastric and celiac disease.

Mars and Rahu in 5th house

Mars and Rahu conjunction in the fifth house may cause problems related to children and relationships with their spouses, but the natives are focused on work in their careers. Also, such a person is often motivated by profit. They know the subtle art of benefiting from another person’s efforts. Still, they may steal credit from others.

Mars and Rahu in 6th house

The conjunction of Mars and Rahu in the sixth house will give you the courage to challenge your rivals in case of danger, but your health will also be affected due to carelessness. Due to this conjunction in the sixth house, the person never gets the happiness of having an elder brother.

Mars and Rahu in 7th house

Mars and Rahu conjunction in the seventh house indicates problems in love life, marital relations, and partnerships. Furthermore, on the other end of their deteriorating marriage, these people are adept at maintaining and hiding their extramarital affairs and physical relationships.

Mars and Rahu in 8th house

Mars and Rahu conjunction in the eighth house can give extramarital affairs and dishonesty in marital relations, but this conjunction can be beneficial for advanced and in-depth studies related to research work. Such a person keeps his secrets secret and is often dishonest with his spouse. They can handle extramarital affairs easily.

Mars and Rahu in 9th house

Mars and Rahu conjunction in the ninth house may make others doubt your actions and you will have to make consistent efforts to keep your professional profile clean. Be it the political sector, private sector, or civil service, these people have to fight hard for their rightful position.

Mars and Rahu in 10th house

The conjunction of Mars and Rahu in the tenth house will bring a good position in career and prestige in society, but the fear of loss in finance and relationships will remain constant. Generally popular for bravery, Mars under the influence of Rahu in such yoga does not provide courage. Thus, a feeling of returning to the battlefield is also created.

Mars and Rahu in 11th house

The conjunction of Mars and Rahu in the 11th house makes the person wealthy but he will not take care of his morality while striving for success in his endeavors. Due to the influence of the 11th House, these people get relief from matters like police custody and legal entanglements.

Mars and Rahu in 12th house

Mars and Rahu conjunction in the 12th house will cause failures in all aspects of life, personal and professional. Due to this yoga, the person usually has cheating tendencies and unethical behavior. Also, such female natives may have to go through situations like pregnancy pressure, child-related problems, and poor health.

Wrapping Up

The Mars and Rahu conjunction gives individuals a dominant nature as both the planets have opposite qualities to each other and work in opposite directions resulting in competition between the two to gain an edge in any situation. Symptoms like extramarital affairs, obscene sexual tendencies, and illegal activities may increase. If you want to know more about the combination of Mars and Rahu, then you can talk to astrologers.

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